Pieces of Me

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Kevin woke to find Edd still cuddled up to him, sleeping peacefully. He smiled, brushing his hand lightly up Edd's back, tugging lightly on the boy's beanie and chuckling. The movement caused Edd to stir, looking up at Kevin with sleepy blue eyes. He blinked, his eyes slowly widening in embarrassment as he processed the situation they were in.

"M-my sincerest apologies Kevin, I do not know what came over me last night, I must not have been thinking straight.." Double D stammered as he tried to sit up. Kevin chuckled and wrapped his arms gently around Edd, pulling him back down and softly kissing his forehead. 

"Good morning to you too, Dork" He mumbled, a huge grin spreading across his face at the sight of Edd turning countless different shades of red. He loosened his grip enough to let Edd escape and sat up, rolling his shoulders as he glanced at Double D's clock. 

"We have about an hour and a half till first period. I should go home and put on some clean clothes. Will you be alright here by yourself? " Kevin shot Double D a concerned look, and Double D gave him a small smile. 

"I thank you for your concern Kevin, but I think I can mange to sanitize and clothe myself on my own." Double D assured him. Kevin could tell Edd was still sore, but he seemed to be moving better. 

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit, Double D." Kevin hopped up out of bed and headed back downstairs, pulling on his shirt as he went. He picked up his shoes from the porch and jogged across the street to his house, eager to get clean and changed and then back to Edd. 

Double D couldn't keep himself from smiling. He had spent so long wondering what it would be like to wake up to Kevin. He moved carefully to his dresser and pulled out a black pair of skinny jeans, a red long-sleeve shirt with the skyrim logo on the front, and a fresh pair of underwear. Satisfied with his choices, he shuffled into the bathroom, shedding his pajamas and depositing them neatly into the hamper along with the sheets that had been left in the tub. 

Kevin had just gotten out of the shower when his phone buzzed and Nazz's ringtone started playing. He hastily dried off his hands and grabbed the phone, clicking on the blinking message icon.


Hey, is everything okay???

Saw you haul ass out of 

school yesterday and

didn't hear from you! get

back to me ASAP!

Kevin typed a hasty reply, hoping Nazz would forgive him. 


Sorry, had to take care 

of some things. Stayed at

Edd's last night. IT'S NOT


Double D had just finished brushing the knots out of his hair when he heard a knock on the door. Pulling his beanie on quickly, he cautiously made his way to the door, the events of the previous evening still fresh in his mind. He opened the door carefully, his worries dissipating as soon as he saw those emerald eyes. 

"Hey, ready to go?" Kevin grinned at the sight of the faint blush on Double D's face.

"K-kevin, I was not expecting you to return. I mean, I- well I, uh..." Double D stammered, smiling nervously. Kevin casually shoved his hands into the pouch of his neon green hoodie, nearly melting Edd with his crooked half smile. 

"I couldn't just let'cha walk to school alone, Dork. " Edd blushed at the childhood nickname, a word that had once made him shudder now had a new, softer inflection to it. 

"I just need to get my shoes. One moment please." Edd retreated back inside and returned a minute later, his clean white vans on his feet and his leather jacket slung over his arm. He grabbed his satchel off the hook and closed the door behind him, locking it as he went. 

Kevin draped an arm lazily across Double D's shoulders as they headed down the side walk and out of the Cul-de-sac.  The two boys walked in comfortable silence until they were within sight f the school, where Double D paused, blushing and looking down and the ground. He fiddled with his sleeves nervously.

"K-Kevin, I don't mean to be a bother, but... wouldn't this, erm, behavior damage your reputation?"

Double D glanced up to see Kevin's questioning look.

"What do you mean, Edd?" Kevin's face was genuinely curious. Edd blushed and looked away. 

"well Kevin, I'm not exactly secretive about my sexuality. And you're the captain of the football team, not to mention a renowned lady's man. By being so forward with me, you're opening yourself up to a lot of ridicule." Double D tried to sound as factual and direct as possible, but Kevin could hear the hurt in his tone. He was clearly worried that he may cause the ginger grief. 

Kevin smile softly, pulling Edd closer to him and squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Edd's blush deepened, and he seemed to relax a bit.

"We'll just have to show those guys what's up then, huh dork?" Kevin pecked Edd's nose, smiling as the boy turned a new shade of red. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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