A Tutor

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The next day at school, Eddy was no where to be found, which came as no surprise to Double D. Ed had come over the previous night to inform him that Eddy's parents had taken him to the hospital, most likely with a broken nose and some internal bruising.

Double D sighed as he fiddled with the combination for his locker. He knew he should feel bad for his friend, but instead he only felt anger. He had put up with Eddy's shenanigans and abuse for so long, he just couldn't bring himself to pity the boy. He wasn't sure he could even call Eddy his friend after this...

Edd pulled an advanced algebra book from his locker and closed the door gingerly. His math class was a much higher level than this, but he had agreed to help tutor seniors in the lower class in exchange for some extra curricular credit.

He made his way quickly down the hall, the two minute warning bell chiming as he stepped through the door to the classroom. Double D found it interesting that this particular class now occupied what had once been a chemistry classroom, the now unused lab partitioned off by a windowed wall covered in posters and charts. He though it curious the lights were on and the door open.

A few students were already in class, and he was pleased to see he was not the only tutor. He approached the teacher, Mr. Wilks, eager to meet his partner.

"Ah, Eddward, you're here. I have a special request of you. I have one particular student who is already struggling with the material, and I would like you to be this student's personal tutor, working with him through this semester. Under your tutorship, I am positive he will excel."

Double D grinned, excited of the prospect and his teacher's faith in his abilities.He nodding eagerly. Mr. Wilks smiled and shook his hand, sealing the deal.

"Excellent! Simply report in to me at the beginning of each week and I will give you the list of chapters that will need to be studied. I have set up the lab for you to use so that you two will not be distracted by my lectures, and you two can go at a better suited pace with the material."

"That sounds most pleasing, Mr. Wilks. Which student will I be tutoring this semester?" Double D was eager to begin. Somewhere in the hall, the bell chimed to indicate class was now in session.

" He's already in the lab. Here's the list of chapters that need to be completed this week," he paused, handing Edd a hastily scribbled list. He seemed to be in a hurry to start class. " It's short this week, since we're starting a new unit. Good luck! I know you'll do well."

With that, Mr. Wilks turned to the rest of the class, starting to call out names on the attendance list. Double D scuttled to the back, slipping through the door to the lab, swinging it almost completely closed behind him.

" You've gotta be kiddin' me," a voice growled behind him. The blood rushed to Double D's face, and he turned to see Kevin sitting at one of the desks, papers strewn out on the table in front of him and a headphone in one hear.

Kevin couldn't believe this. As if he wasn't having a hard enough time forgetting the dork, now he had to work with him on a daily basis. He watched the nerd shuffle timidly up to the other side of the table and set his things down gingerly, as if everything he touched was a bomb waiting to go off. Kevin flinched to think that this is what he had done to Double D. He shifted uncomfortably at the thought, careful not to move his still bandaged hand.

"Well, if you'd like you can read through the intro to quadratic functions on page 16 while I set up my things. " Double D muttered, his shaky voice just above a whisper. He began rummaging through his bag. Kevin sighed, used his good hand and  flipped to page 16 in his book, and pressed play on his zune. He nearly choked at the song that came on.

Every time I call you on the phone

I listen to it ring but no-one's home

I can't explain the energy

That you give me when I'm left here alone

He groaned inwardly, trying to ignore the lyrics and focus on the lesson. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Double D glance his way. 

And every time I pass you on the street

You won't even turn and look at me

I never would of thought that things could

Go this far but please, believe me

He realized he had just read the second sentence three times.

I'll pick you up, won't let you fall

I'll build your trust and it won't hurt at all

Your only drug will let you down

I'm through now, so take me and blow me away

At this point Kevin had given up on reading the intro, focusing more on fighting back tears.

When I feel numb I'll let you know

I won't become what I was before

He looked up to realize Double D was staring at him, concern poorly masked in those aqua eyes. He blushed and yanked the headphone out of his ear, fumbling to power off the zune as quickly as he could.

Confusion flooded Double D's mind. What had Kevin been listening to that could have upset him so much? And why did the boy blush when he looked up? Double D sighed, suddenly not nearly as excited as he had been about tutoring.

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