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Kevin sat outside the entrance of the school, patiently waiting for Nazz to be done with her cheerleading practice. He and Nazz often walked to and from school together when the weather was nice.

"Hey, sorry I took so long Kevin! Marie was waiting for me in the locker room, and, well, erm..." Nazz turned a bright pink, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. Kevin gave her a small smile, ruffling her hair playfully.

" Yeah, yeah, spare me the details sweet cheeks, I really don't wanna know. Come on, lets get home. I wanna give my bike a wash before it gets dark. " He picked his bag up off the ground and started off toward the cul-de-sac. Nazz followed, watching him. He walked with his head lowered, and he didn't show much of his usual cocky swagger. Nazz placed her hand gently on his forearm.

"What's wrong Kevin? You seem totally bummed. " she asked quietly. Kevin sighed, hanging his head lower.

" I dunno, I just... Can you answer a question for me Nazz? But you have to swear not to tell anyone. " He turned to her suddenly, his expression uncharacteristically serious. Nazz gave him a warm, reassuring smile.

" Of course Kevin, you're my best friend! What is it you want to ask?" Kevin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He continued walking, trying to think of the best way to phrase something so sensitive. Nazz matched his pace, her gaze fixed on his worried face, trying her best to convey her support. Kevin sighed again, pulling his hat down over his face.

"Well, I-I, I mean, you know.. " He groaned, struggling to collect his thoughts.

"Nazz, how did you know you liked girls?" Kevin blurted.

Nazz stopped walking, eyeing Kevin thoughtfully. She twirled her ponytail, carefully thinking her answer over.

" Well.... I guess it wasn't so much that I liked girls, as much as it was that I liked Marie. I always thought that I just hadn't found the right guy, or that I wasn't doing something right. But then Marie came along. The way I felt about her, I had never felt about a guy. Being with her felt right, and then it just kind of clicked." Nazz explained slowly, watching Kevin's reaction. When she was silent, Kevin looked down, and Nazz read the look on his face like the cover of a book.

" Kevin, do you.... do you think you like guys?" Nazz asked hesitantly, not wanting to upset her friend. Kevin turned a brilliant shade of red, from his ears to his neck. He turned away, embarrassed, and fidgeted with his hat nervously.

Did he like guys? It was a question Kevin had struggled with since eighth grade, but one he'd been able to mostly ignore, choosing instead to hide behind an unending stream of hussies and flings. That is, until now. Ever since Double Dork had come back, the question had been haunting him like a bad dream, following him everywhere like his shadow.

He was the Captain of the football team, one of the most popular guys in school, and an infamous womanizer. He shouldn't like guys. He wasn't supposed to like guys. There was no possible way he could like guys.

And yet when he thought of Double Dork... Those innocent aqua eyes, That cute gap-toothed smile, the way he glowed when he talked about something one of his passions.....

And Kevin knew. He guessed he may have known it all along, but now he knew.

He knew he liked Double D.

"Yeah, I think I do." Kevin pronounced each syllable slowly, confessing it to himself just as much as he was confessing it to Nazz. He slouched down on the sidewalk, head in his hands. Nazz crouched next to him, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing him tight.

" Is... is it someone in particular?" Nazz asked cautiously, not wanting to push Kevin too far. Kevin inhaled sharply. Of all the guys. Of all the bloody guys that he had ever encountered, it had to be him. It had to be the one he had tortured and harassed for years, bullying and threatening the poor boy until even eye contact made the raven-haired boy flinch in terror.

Kevin let out a frustrated groan, pulling his knees to his chest hiding his face behind his crossed arms. He dug his nails into his arms, mumbling just loud enough for Nazz to hear.

"It's Double D."

Nazz let out and exasperated sigh.

 Oh, Kevin, sweetie...

She gave him another tight squeeze and patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"Well, it looks like I've got my work cut out for me, don't I? Come on, let's get home. it's getting dark. We'll have plenty of time to figure this out in the morning"

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