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Edd sat in his bed, knees pulled tight up to his chest. He stared absently at the footboard, his mind trying to logically process all that had happened today. So much had changed while he was gone. Marie and Nazz, Eddy, even Kevin...

Why had he hoped it wouldn't?

He sighed and threw his head back on his pillow.

 You've changed too, Eddward, he chastised to himself. And it was true. The past few months had changed him, and he wasn't sure if it was for the better. He wasn't even sure just how much it had changed him. And that terrified him. 

Edd let out a frustrated groan and he launched his pillow at the wall, wanting nothing more than to sleep, but it would not come. Flipping over onto his side, he reached over to his wireless speakers, his fingers instinctively finding the play button. He sat up again, the speakers coming to life with the intro of a song quite familiar to him.

Take a good look at me now

Do you still recognize me?

He could feel tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

am I so different inside?

this world is trying to change me

Edd shifted his gaze to his window, his eyes coming to rest on the one other window in the entire cul-de-sac that was still lit at this time of night.

Kevin's window. I wonder why he's still awake. I wonder what's keeping him up...

And I admit, I don't want to change with it

and I admit, I can't go on like this


Edd couldn't hold it back any longer. The though of the redhead pushed him over the edge. He sobbed, throwing his face into the pillow and surrendering to the violent sobs that wracked his body. He didn't know why he was crying over Kevin, but he was.

Thoughts of the redhead haunting his mind as he cried himself into an fitful sleep, tossing and turning all through the night.

Kevin paced his room, stress and frustration fueling his already racing mind. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he sleep? He had spent the better part of the night on the phone with Nazz, venting about.. He couldn't even remember what is was anymore. Frustrated and enraged, he hauled back and slammed his first into the wall, leaving a sizable hole in the drywall as well as a sizable bruise on his hand. Shaking his first out, he yanked open the top drawer to his nightstand table and pulled his Zune from it's resting spot. He plugged it into his speakers and pressed play, and an eerily fitting song came blaring through the speakers.

I don't know, I don't know

I don't know anymore

I thought I had, thought I had it

Under control

He collapsed onto his bed, staring out the window, his eyes locked on the house across the street.

Double Dork's house.

It's not worth it!

It's not working!

You wanted it to be picture perfect

It's not over, you don't have to throw it away

He shoved his face into his pillow, digging into it until his knuckles turned white.

Scream if you want to!

shout if you need to!

Just let it go

Take it out on me

He growled loudly into his pillow, anger boiling over into sadness inside him.

fight if you need to!

smash if it helps you

get control

take it out on me

Exhausted, Kevin slipped into a restless sleep, thoughts of the raven-haired boy plaguing his dreams.

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