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A loud cough caused Eddy to jump back and whirl, fists raised. He braced at the sight of Kevin standing a few feet away, every muscle in his body tensed and ready for the brawl he expected.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Kevin's voice was harsh and acidic, and his emerald eyes couldn't hide the betrayal he felt. 

"I'll leave you two alone." Kevin turned on his heel, walking slowly back towards the cul-de-sac, his desire to play or even interact with his friends had dissolved into a burning need to be as far away from everyone as possible.

"Yeah, that's right. You better walk. There's nothing here for you." Eddy's voice was borderline demonic, taunting the ginger as he protectively pulled Double D to his side. Kevin stopped, his back and shoulders stiffening. Double D fully expected him to rush Eddy, but instead, he barely glanced over his shoulder. His voice was bitter, hard, and sharp.

"No. I guess there isn't." 

Double D felt his heart hit the floor. He willed his body to move, to push Eddy aside, to run after Kevin, to tell him that it wasn't what he thought, to hold on to him and never let go. But he couldn't move. All he could do was shake. Spasms wracked his body, deep sobs that threatened to well up from the center of his being. 

All he could do was whimper. 

Eddy turned, not prepared for the pathetic little noise that just escaped Double D's lips. He stood there awkwardly, his ego gone, not sure where he should leave or try to comfort the boy.

As if answering for him, Edd turned and bolted, pushing Eddy to the ground and running blindly towards the woods on the other side of the park. Eddy lay there in shock, amazed by how fast the boy could move. He picked himself up just in time to see the Edd's outline disappear into the woods. 

It took all the strength Kevin had to control his body, to fight back the bitter tears that burned behind his eyes. He fought the urge to turn when he heard a commotion behind him, not wanting to see the end of the scene he had interrupted. He fought to keep his feet moving forward, while all they wanted to do was run. Run back to Double D, pull him close and wail that smirk right off Eddy's smug face.

No. He made a choice. I have to respect that. I want him to be happy....

As he closed his front door behind him, he was hit with a realization that broke the last remaining bit of his composure. He never had a chance with Double D in the first place. Eddy was Edd's best friend, how would he, a tormenting bully, ever compete with that?

I never could...

The thought brought Kevin to his knees as he crumpled up in a heap against his front door, uncontrollable sobs wracking his body, his self control gone. 

Double D wasn't sure how long he had been running, and he didn't care. He just wanted to get as far away from everything as possible. He ran until his lungs burned, and his legs felt like rubber, and then he collapsed on the forest floor. His composure gone, Double D broke down and cried. His body shook with sobs as tears streamed down his face. he pulled his knees to his chest and his beanie down over his eyes, wanting nothing but darkness and silence and stillness.

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