Writer's Note

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Hello y'all, I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, you can scroll through this chapter if you want, just remember to follow me and vote.

You can also read my other book and they include: I want you (1chapter posted), Percy Jackson (Percico/Perico) -(10+ chapter posted; about 16 chapters I think)

I know I ship boys a lot but I just think it would be so cute and yes I would just love to see them together one day.

No one should criticize me for shipping whoever, for example, no one should criticize me for shipping Sonic, silver and shadow because it's extremely rude I work my way looking for something to write and someone comes in to put in hate comments about why I ship whoever, it's not fair at all, it's my opinion and it goes for other people, if other people say things, just remember, it's none of your business if you can't find something nice or supportive to say, I can't say your opinion is stupid because maybe you like shipping Amy and sonic and I like shipping Shadow, sonic and silver or because you like shipping Shadow and rouge and I ship them lot, every opinion matters.

The thing is that, shipping whoever we want to ship or having our opinion is completely okay but trying to put other people down because of what we think is best is disgusting and rude; you might think your opinion is the best and you might try to say something like 'No! I Fortnite is better than Roblox and Roblox can never beat the og' or something like that, it's extremely rude, learn to support other's decision.

The reason why I'm making this clear is because I watch some edits on TikTok shipping Shadow and sonic and some people are like 'Sonadow Canon' as a sliver x Shadow x sonic shipper, it's completely okay, it's your opinion and someone people were like 'No.just.no' while some people were like 'Stfu' I don't get the literal reason why people would say it like that, something like this would be nicer. 'Sonadow is great but I like ---- better' or 'I think I prefer ----' There have been more similar stuff like that going on I just want you guys to know every opinion matters and you shouldn't put people down because of what you think.

You guys should watch sonic prime, s2 is out July 13, 2023 and s2 e1 is out on YouTube.. if you don't want to watch it it's fine but I think you should check it out.

Bye i love you all and I'm gonna get started on ideas for the next chapter, have a nice day or have a night evening or afternoon or night, whichever time you're reading this..

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