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I'd seen a lot of babies.

After all, I'd been practicing
in a neonatal intensive care
unit for nigh on seven years.

Babies were literally my
job and arguably, my life.

Babies, day in and day out.

But there were babies and
then there were babies And
then there was this baby.

This baby I didn't know why
or how or what it was about
him but I had it bad for this baby.

His little fingers had gone and curled themselves around my heart and given it a big old squeeze.

Case in point, there I was on
my break when I should have been having a smoke out back, like any other overworked medical professional with an aching back and another seven hours left on their shift.

But nstead I was standing
next to an incubator, staring down at a tiny, premature
baby, making cooing noises
and waving my fingers at him like a total idiot.

But then he looked up at me,
his little wrinkly face scrunched up in recognition and joy (at least, I hoped it was
recognition and joy) around
the CPAP tube running across
his cheeks and nose.

He waved his own fragile little fingers clumsily back and it
made me feel things I never thought I would feel again.

Good things.

The kind of things you
only feel in a pack.

But it had been a long time
since I'd been part of a pack.

Sure back when I was a pup
in my dad's pack, I knew what
it was like to be loved and protected and connected.

To be part of a family.

But it had been decades
since that pack disbanded.

My dad had died and that
was it, really.

I'd been on my own ever since.

"And I like it that way." I told
my little newborn friend softly.

He looked up at me solemnly with those enormous sky blue doe eyes and just as solemnly, blew a little spit bubble.

My heart did a flip flop
in my chest.

Who would have guessed that
I could be so undone by spit?

Who had I become?

Like I'd told him, I liked
being on my own.

But boy oh boy, was this little ragamuffin making me
rethink all my life choices.

Whenever he turned those
doe eyes on me, all I wanted
to do was wrap him in my arms and keep him safe forever.

All those violent, alpha male protective instincts that I'd
been fighting so long to keep tamped down came rushing
to the surface when I looked
at that baby.

Whenever I saw him, I
yearned a family for a mate.

For a pack of my own.

It was something I never
thought I'd hear myself say
even if only to myself.

And it wasn't just a question
of his big blue doe eyes though those really helped his case.

The kid had spunk.

Born three weeks premature, he'd been fighting tooth and
nail to survive ever since
he'd come out of his father.

He might be tiny and frail
looking but woe betide the
nurse who fed him last.

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