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I stood on the street corner, tugging on the hood of my
dirty raincoat every few
seconds, as if that would somehow make it big enough
to keep the rain off my face.

The lights in Kai's apartment were off.

I shifted from foot to foot,
not really wanting to move
but knowing I had to.

Silently, I cursed everyone
who had gotten me into this mess: my (ex) boss, my (ex) roommates and of course, Kai himself, my (ex), well ex.

Which really was giving
Kai too much credit.

Taking a deep breath, I
gathered up what little
courage I had.

I punched in the key code
for the front door, crossing
the greying wall-to-wall
carpet toward the elevator.

Apparently, the place had been
a dump when he'd bought
the apartment and it hadn't
gotten any better since.

But at least it had been
cheap, I guess.

I pressed the button for
the elevator, which
unsurprisingly didn't come.

Kai's building was so old the elevator was out of order more often than it was running.

And the caretaker, a pothead named Jih, never bothered to
put up a sign.

I headed for the stairs.

Kai lived on the fourth floor
and it took me a while to
get there.

I hadn't really been eating regularly, unemployment will
do that to you and this belly
was heavier than it looked.

And to be honest, I just wasn't
in that much of a hurry to
break into Kai's place.

Finally, I got to his apartment and my hands shaking,
unlocked the front door.

Inside the place looked like it always did, horrific.

I flicked on the light and
began to investigate.

The word on the street was
that Kai had left in a hurry, thanks to either a drug deal
gone wrong or another alpha looking for revenge, depending on whom you asked.

So this was my chance.

After all, it was kai's fault
I was in this mess in the
first place.

I poked around the kitchen, opening the fridge which was empty other than a very,
very old carton of milk and checking the cupboards.

They were as I remembered them, bare except for three mismatched bowls, a cup
and a box of stale cornflakes.

Kai never had been much
of a homemaker.

I moved on to the bedroom
and the grimy-ass bathroom.

Kai's clothes and toothbrush were gone and more
importantly, so was his
weed stash.

He must really have skipped town then.

Gingerly, I sat down on the unmade bed resting a hand
on my bulging belly.

"Welcome home." I whispered, then immediately made a face.

This pigsty would never be home, It was just a stop
along the way.

Sure, I wasn't happy about
being back in kai's place but it wasn't like I really had a choice.

I lost my job when my bitchy beta boss found out I was pregnant and when my money ran out a few months later,
my roommates sat me down
for a group meeting and told
me they were kicking me out.

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