5. (M) 🔞

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Just outside the hospital doors,
I shifted from foot to foot
and wondered whether I
could still change my mind.

I mean, it wasn't that I didn't want to go home with the
world's most gorgeous doctor
or maybe I didn't?

Too many double negatives.

I was just confusing myself.

Basically, all I knew for
sure was that I had no idea
what I was doing.

I looked over at the gang of smokers who were standing
on the corner and sighed.

The sight of them, huddled together to keep the wind
from blowing out their
smokes, made me feel
very alone and exposed.

I rubbed my face with my

Why had I agreed to go home with another alpha?

After all, that had turned
out so well last time.

Even though, yes, he was beautiful and seemed sweet
and all but still...

Hugging myself, I pulled my new-to-me sweater tighter around me.

My clothes or what was left of them hadn't been in usable shape after the accident and
then the pregnancy, so the nurses had dug me up an
outfit from the charity box.

I looked like a bag lady but Jungkook didn't seem like
the type who would care.

And that was exactly the
reason why I'd said yes to Jungkook.

He couldn't have been more different from Kai if he'd
actually gone and tried.

He made me feel safe and
warm and looked after.


The way an alpha should
make an omega feel.

And God, it certainly made
a nice fucking change.

I just wasn't sure how far his feelings went.

Was it just an alpha urge to protect? Or a doctorly urge?

Sometimes he was so professional and distant with
his gloves and his clipboard,
his white jacket and
outrageous vocabulary.

Other times, he looked at
me like he wanted to devour
me whole, just slurp up the
very essence of me.

And in those moments I could have sworn he cared for me.

But then the professional doctor side would come back and I couldn't be so sure anymore.

The huddle of smokers disbanded, some heading
back inside, some heading
to their cars.

For a moment, I was
completely alone.

It might have seemed hard to believe, considering the absolutely fucking chaos that
was my life at the moment
but to be perfectly honest,
I hated feeling uncertain.

This whole did he-didn't he
dance was killing me.

Especially because my omega instincts had been, like, screaming themselves hoarse, telling me to get close, to
cuddle up to his sexy alpha
heat and let him take me.

We'd grown so close in the
last few weeks.

Or at least, I thought we had.

But I was such an emotional basket case that I didn't even know if I could trust my own instincts.

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