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( Their new home)

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( Their new home)

Unable to keep from smiling,
I stopped to watch as Hyun scampered across our new
rug, his pudgy baby hands sinking into the thick wool.

Giggling happily, he bumped against Jimin's calves, the
slight impact sending our
son over onto his side.

He screeched with laughter.

He had only just recently progressed from scooting
along on his butt to a
proper crawl and running
into things and falling over
was his favorite new game.

It was adorable to watch
and even more importantly,
kept him entertained for
minutes at a time.

Which with a young baby like him was basically a miracle.

"Ahem." Jimin cleared his
throat, looking up at me pointedly.

I laughed.

"Sorry, I got distracted."

"I can see that." Jimin
replied, a smile creeping
across his face, despite his attempt at severity.

I reached over and grabbed
the tube of moisturizing
cream I'd been rubbing on Jimin's swollen belly when
Hyun had distracted me.

Jimin was only days away
from giving birth to our
second son (we hadn't been
able to wait –- we found out
the gender right away) and I
felt like at any given moment
I might actually explode with
joy and excitement.

Sometimes, I was literally vibrating with it.

Steph kept making fun of me
at work because sometimes
my hands were shaking too
hard for me to write.

But I didn't care.

I had never been happier
in my entire life.

"Do you really think the
nursery will be big enough?"

I asked, trying to feign
calmness as I rubbed the
cream in ever-widening
circles on Jimin's baby bump.

Jimin leaned his head back against the couch and
looked at me with a smile.

His eyes were soft and warm, and I wanted to fall into them and just soak in the love I
saw there.

"Yes, you big goof." he said.

"How many times are we
going to have this
conversation? The nursery is plenty big enough."

"I've seen whole apartments
that are smaller than that nursery.

"Remember that time when
we were looking at houses
and we spent a whole month comparing room sizes and decided that this house had
the best bedrooms?"

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