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Okay so, the thing was, the doctor was like, incredible.

If my face hadn't been so
bruised to hell, my jaw
probably would have been on
the floor when I first saw him.

He was like my dream guy but very real and standing in front
of me and being all professional while I tried to get my lustful, painkiller-addled mind to focus.

Though really he was
beautiful and he seemed like exactly the sort of strong but
not violent, dominant but not abusive, kind of alpha that I
had always thought was
basically a unicorn at the
end of the day, did it
really matter?


Because my life was totally insane right now and there
were a million things going wrong and, more importantly, one thing that was going
really right.


Because let's be honest, all
that mattered was my son.

So, did I enjoy having this beautiful baby doctor tell me,
in his low, spine-shivering
voice, to please, call me Jungkook?

Yes. A thousand times yes.

Did it make me a little weak
in the knees when our eyes


But was I going to focus on
him over my baby?

Not in a million years.

It was nice to be turned
on but Hyun was infinitely
more important than some
passing flicker of desire.

Hyun was for life.

I looked down at my little
boy, his big, baby-blue doe
eyes closed happily as he
sucked on the bottle I held.

I was so glad he'd gotten
the color of my eyes.

I'd have loved him anyway, obviously but having kai's
dark, ferocious eyes staring
at me out of my baby's face would have just brought
back unhappy memories.

But as it was, he was perfect.

His ten tiny little fingers and
ten tiny little toes made me
want to cry with love and

Because to be honest, I could barely believe he was here
after all the stress and the
fear and the fucking trauma.

Just being here, holding him, watching him eat, felt like an honest-to-God miracle to me.

And frankly, the fact that
both of us were actually
alive was kind of a miracle.

I couldn't believe I'd missed
the first four days of his life.

I hoped that his tiny baby
brain hadn't processed it, that
it hadn't noticed my absence
and that he hadn't been sad.

Because come hell or high
water, I was going to be there for every other goddamn day
of his beautiful, beautiful life.

As I watched Hyun feed, I thought back to the car
accident or what little I
could remember of it.

The police had come that morning, when I'd woken up.

I guess they'd been on
standby, waiting for me.

They'd asked me a million questions but all I really knew was what the doctor had told
me before they got there,
drunk driver truck hit my
car head on.

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