6. (M) 🔞

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I woke up the next day with Jimin lying next to me, his slender body curled against mine.

The early morning sun filtered
in under the bottom of my curtains, warming the room.

I didn't want to move.

Everything was absolutely perfect.

Jimin must have felt the
change in my breathing
because he stirred and rolled over, looking up at me with
his blue eyes still mostly shut.

"Time to get up?" he murmured.

I smiled at his sleepy face and leaned down to kiss him.

"Time to get up." I said.

I felt a twinge as reality interrupted the blissful moment, but at least I knew that this wouldn't be the last time I
woke with Jimin in my arms.

When we got to the hospital, Jimin needed to go for his
own follow-up appointment,
so I headed to the NICU
ward alone.

It was easy to forget some
times that Jimin had just had
a near-death experience.

He was so smiling and
generous and wrapped up in Hyun that I would forget.

I couldn't remember ever
having heard him complain.

But I reminded myself, I
should probably still be
careful with him.

No roughhousing for a while
yet, no matter how strong his omega healing powers were.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the stranger the strange alpha standing next to Hyun's crib until I was nearly next to him.

The wolf in me raised its
hackles but I kept my face
calm and pleasant.

I was a doctor first and

"Hello." I said.

"Hey." The guy replied, not making much effort to sound civil.

He was rough-looking, his
face needed a shave and his bulky leather jacket could
have done with a cleaning.

There were tattoos on his knuckles and his hands looked like he didn't go easy on them.

"Sorry, how did you get
in here?" I asked.

I was well within my rights.

Strangers weren't just
allowed to wander through the neonatal unit willy-nilly.

"I'm a family friend." he

"I called Jimin this morning
and he gave me the code to
get in."

Yeah, right you did.

I knew for a fact Jimin had
been entirely too busy having sex in the shower with me this morning to have been taking calls from wannabe gangsters.

Everything in me was telling
me this man was dangerous.

Not to mention, the other
alpha looked like he was
getting tired of my
continued presence.

I could almost see his
hackles rising.

"The baby smells like
you." he said suddenly, his
voice low.

"Well." I pointed out.

"I am his doctor."

"No, it's more than that." He paused, narrowed his eyes,
his nostrils flaring.

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