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Time had stopped.

I couldn't breathe.

I literally could not breathe.

My mouth was open but air wasn't coming in.

My lungs weren't moving.

My heart wasn't beating.

I was standing there looking
at an empty space where,
a second ago, my family
had been.

And where, now, there was nothing. They were gone.

I was alone.

They. Were. Gone.

It hit me like landslide
burying me under a
thousand tons of debris.

I choked, grabbing at my

Time sped up and I took a
huge gulp of air, my heart
came to life, thudding in my chest like machine gun fire.

I screamed.

The sound was ripped out of
my throat, the way my heart
had just been ripped out of
my chest. Fucking painfully.

I ran to the edge of the ravine, throwing myself down onto
my belly to get a better look
at the dark water of the river.

But I couldn't see anything or anyone not Kai, not Jungkook, not even God, I didn't even
want to think the thought.

Not even Hyun.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I
thought to myself, as I began
to scrabble down the side
of the ravine.

It wasn't totally vertical.

There was just enough of a
slope for me to slither down, grabbing onto bushes and
rocks, trying to keep myself
from tumbling headfirst to
the bottom like Jungkook
and Kai just had.

Jesus fucking Christ, what had Jungkook been thinking?

Tears were pouring down my face but I didn't even bother trying to wipe them away.

I was too busy holding on
for dear life.

The rocks were sharp and
cut my hands as I grabbed
at them in the dark.

My breath came in big gasps, each one sawing into my
throat like a razor blade.

I wouldn't have been
surprised at all if I'd started coughing up blood.

Hysteria bubbled up inside
me but I didn't let it
overtake me.

I had to get to my family.

I had to save them somehow.

Finally my feet touched the ground and I stumbled
forward, my hands hitting
the dusty ground as I pushed myself back to standing and
ran the last few steps to the river's sharp edge.

Above and behind me, I
heard the engine of a truck
roll over and I froze,
teetering above the water.

The beta was awake.

Would he come for us?

But the sound faded.

He was running away.

I looked back down at the
river. No more excuses.

The water had been redirected here and the banks were concrete so there was no
easy way in, I had to jump.

Psyching myself up to dive
in, I balanced on the
concrete lip.

I had always had hated swimming. It terrified me.

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