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The apartment was empty.

The place was silent in a way that would have been normal
a few weeks ago but was
now utterly terrifying.

I stood in the doorway to
hyun's nursery and felt fear
sink its sharp, icy claws into
my heart.

Hyun and Jimin were gone.

Gone? Or taken?

It had been a very long time since I'd done this
but I was desperate.

I gave in to the wolf inside of me, stripped off my clothes
and shifted, my body sinking
low, my senses growing
almost painfully strong.

I heard a man shouting on
the other side of the building.

I heard the music the cars
were playing on their radios
on the highway, block and
blocks away.

I smelled next door's chicken dinner.

I padded around the
apartment, going from room
to room smelling no one but
Jimin and Hyun–- no, wait.

There in the bedroom by
the window was a faint hint
of someone else, too weak
for my human senses to
have noticed.

A stranger but not unknown.

A memory resurfaced.


I growled, my whole body thrumming with fury.

Grabbing my clothes in my mouth, I put my nose to the ground and picked up
Jimin's scent.

He had been scared how had
I not smelled this earlier?

Had I really been so caught
up in my happy family dream?

I followed his scent out the
door, my claws clicking
against the concrete as I
raced after him into the night.

I had no idea where he was going but wherever it was,
I'd find him.

I was going to keep my
promise to him, whether he wanted me to or not.

Jimin led me through the back streets luckily, he'd been
trying to hide as well.

It wasn't like I could race
down the main street like
this, after all.

We looped back and forth
he'd clearly been unsure
what to do.

Run in a straight line, goddammit, Jimin.

I thought to myself.

It's so much easier to track
But I guessed he hadn't been expecting me to be the one tracking him.

Finally, he led me to a dinky
bus station about a mile from
the apartment.

In the shadows, I shifted
back, tossed on my clothes
and sprinted inside.

God, I'd forgotten what a
hassle shifting was sometimes.

A vacant-looking platinum
blonde sat at the information kiosk, playing with her phone and sipping Mountain Dew
out of a can.

She looked up when I came
in, and smiled a big, bubble-gum-pink smile.

"Hi there." She said, resting
her elbows on the counter
and leaning forward so that I
got a better view down the (very) open collar of her
uniform shirt.


I smiled in a way that I hoped was charming and gave off no 'The love of my life has been kidnapped and I'm losing
my mind trying to get him
back' vibes.

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