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It was amazing, really, how quickly extraordinary things could become utterly routine.

Just last week, if you had told
me I would be sneaking away
to look after someone else's
baby whenever I had the
chance, I would have
laughed in your face.

I spend all day looking
after other people's babies.

Why the hell would I do it
off the clock?

I would have asked and
rightly so.

To which you could have
replied Because the father
has the world's most incredible eyes and you want him
bad, that's why.

And you would not have
been wrong.

And so here I was, cradling
Hyun in my arms while Jimin prepared his bottle and this wasn't the first time I'd found myself in this situation.

It had started out as me lingering a little longer than
I should while Jimin learned
to care for Hyun.

Just to make sure he had everything down pat, I told myself.

But it only took a few days
for me to go from lingering doctor to full-blown nursemaid.

"What do you think?" Jimin asked, biting his lip as he
shook a few drops of warm formula onto the delicate
skin of his inner wrist.

It was his third day caring for Hyun but he still held the
bottle out towards me, his eyebrows raised, doubting himself and wanting me to
test the warmth too.

For a moment, I was
captivated by the sight of
those milky white drops balancing on his pale skin.

All I could think about was bringing his wrist to my
mouth and licking them
off, their creamy warmth
a stark contrast to the cool silkiness of his skin.

I shook my head quickly,
both to Jimin's question
and my imagined scenario.

"No." I said, clearing my

"You've done this enough
times, You know how
warm it needs to be."

"Trust your own judgement."

"Don't be afraid."

Jimin made a face.

I didn't have to be psychic to know that Jimin didn't like relying on his own judgement.

To be honest, all he really needed was a confidence
boost, rather than more parenting advice.

"Okay." He said hesitantly.

"Well, here you go Hyun."

"I hope you like it."

The confidence will come
with practice, I thought as I watched him give Hyun the bottle.

Hopefully, at least.

The poor man seems to have been through the wars.

The baby immediately latched
on to the nipple, sucking enthusiastically.

Hyun never had refused his

Jimin grinned up at me and despite my failing attempt at keeping things professional, I couldn't help but smile back.

Just a small smile.

A doctorly, You've done
well smile. Paternal, even.

Nothing inappropriate.

It had never been exactly
easy to keep my cool around Jimin or his baby but as the
days went by, it became
harder than ever to keep
it together.

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