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Something was up.

I didn't know what or why
or how it happened.

All I knew was that it was happening.

I'd spent an hour going over paperwork the previous night before I realized that Jimin
had never come to find
me after his shower.

Instead, when I finally went
to look for him, I found him asleep in the chair next to
Hyun 's bed, curled up
tighter than a ball of yarn.

Which was fair enough.

We'd had a long day.

Maybe he'd just laid down
for a second and ended up asleep.

But it didn't seem like him.

When Jimin wanted sex, he
didn't usually let anything
keep him from getting what
he wanted.

Not even sleep.

As gently as I could, I
carried him back to bed.

Now, the next morning,
here I was, waking up to
the sound of him vomiting
in the bathroom.

"Jimin?" I called, groggily
getting out of bed and shuffling towards the bathroom door.

"Sweetie, are you o—"

But there was no time to
finish my question because suddenly I heard hyun wailing.

Ah, yes, the ever-starving

I turned away from Jimin
and went to get Hyun.

Picking him up from his crib,
I carried him into the kitchen with me to prep a bottle.

"Shush, baby." I crooned at

"Food is on its way."

"Don't cry."

Hyun wasn't really one to
take advice and kept on
wailing until I stuck the bottle into his wide-open mouth.

I sighed in the ensuing

Beautiful, merciful silence.

"It's a good thing you're so cute." I told him sternly.

He looked up at me with
his father's big blue eyes
and I melted.

He'd never even shifted
but the kid already had his
little claws deep in my
heart, that was for sure.

"Oh God, do I need
coffee." Jimin announced as
he came in.

His face was paler than usual, and there were smudges of
violet under his beautiful eyes.

For a moment, he looked
like death.

Then he caught sight of
Hyun and me and smiled
looking much more alive.

Still, there was something
off about his smile.

It was slightly sad,
slightly ... forced even.

He came over and gave us
each a kiss and stood next to me, rubbing my back gently
as he watched Hyun eat.

"You're so good with him." he murmured almost wistfully.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Did you eat something funny, or...?" I let the question hang.

"Oh." He laughed, waving
his hand as if to physically
brush away my worries.

"Yeah, I think that must
have been it. I must have
eaten something funny."

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