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These moments and vibrant hues 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

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These moments and vibrant hues 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻

5:15 PM

"Look at that, everybody gone." He chuckled lowly under his breath as he opened the door in front of me.

"And what does that suppose to mean?" Almirah spoke as she watched him open the door for her to walk in. He shrugged as he stood to the side to walk behind her.

"I don't know you tell me Mirah," Sinclair spoke as he walked upstairs. Almirah looked at the head she cut off thirty minutes ago on the ground. "Brain dead literally..." She smirked kicking his head away from her.

"The cleaning person ain't coming so-" Sinclair immediately stopped speaking when he heard her laugh lowly. Once again her laugh echoed throughout his crib. "You should do stand up Sin." She wiped the tears that were going down her face. He stared at her face seeing her face drop.

"You thought I was playing?" Sin looked over at his head. She shook her head, "Nah. I'll catch you later." Almirah walked to the door to exit. He didn't even try to stop her knowing that she was mad from how calm she was.

Almirah's phone rang in her pocket causing her to pull it out. It was her sister Aliyah. She answered the Facetime video, "Hello?" Aliyah was in her bed, wrapped around her covers watching TV.

"When are you coming back?" She asked looking around as she was nervous about something. Almirah could sense something was wrong so she asked, "Soon, you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just don't like to be left alone here without you. I know it's safe around here... I'm probably annoying you right now." Her voice got lower as she hesitated if she wanted to continue to talk.

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