Part 1

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Alena's outfit ~~~Alena's  pov It is around 10:50

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Alena's outfit
Alena's  pov
It is around 10:50

I was out with a few people from school at the beach we were drinking and dancing to the music on one of the boys speaker when I felt my phone start buzzing in my back pocket I pulled it out to see who it was when I saw my dads name come up my stomach dropped I run away from the crowd as fast as I could before it cut off.

Answering I heard the yelling from down the phone
"¿Dónde diablos estás? Te dije que volvieras a las 8 y son casi las pinches 11 en punto. Si no regresas a casa en la próxima media hora, te golpearé tanto que no podrás salir!"
(Where the hell are you? I told you to come back at 8 and it's almost fucking 11 o'clock. If you don't come home in the next half hour, I'll beat you so hard, you won't be able to get out!)

I started freaking out it's 10:50 now I won't make it back in half an hour I think starting to sober up at the thought
I rush over to Adrian to tell him I'm leaving
"Adrian me voy a casa ahora"I yell over the music as he mumbled something I rushed off
(Ima go home now)

I run off heading over to my car half drunk barley able to focus jumping into the drivers seat,spreedinf off

All I could think about was matteo what if my father hit him for me being home late it was my fault
Once I got home I tried sneaking in but that's when the lights snapped on revealing my father and two of his minions behind him I braced myself for the worst.

I was relieved not to see matteo on the floor bloody
A tear started forming in my eyes i I knew what was coming from my father

My father gave a slight nod to his men to leave while he walked over to me slamming his fist onto my cheek making my head shoot to the side I try my best not to show emotion when he hurts me so he doesn't feel as accomplished
I wonder a lot of the time how could he do this to his own blood it makes that monster feel euphoric. it's not like my mother cares either she knows how much he hurts us and she dose nothing.

"ahora vete a la cama!"he screamed at me as I look to the floor doing my best not to make eye contact with him
(Now go to bed!)

I woke up at 7am because I had to try my best to cover up the bruise on my face my father created because If anyone saw, it wouldn't go down well with him

"tienes que estar de vuelta tan pronto como termine la escuela entendido"he warned looking at me and mateo as we gave each other a eye roll smirking at one another
(you have to be back as soon as school ends got it)

"Que hiciste ahora?"matteo joked as we walked to school
(What did you do now)
"I didn't come home in time"I stated looking at him
"Estaba tan preocupada que pensé que iba a"I got cut off before I finished
"Look I'm fine he didn't do anything"he assured me I sigh in relief
(I was so worried that I thought I was going to)

At school
There is a phyco girl who's boyfriend has an obsession with me and she is crazy about it
When I was walking me my next class I felt a kick on the back of my leg when I turned around I faced Gianna, that bitch
Was holding out a fucking knife I grabbed the pocket knife I had in the back of my Jeans and held it up, it felt like the whole school got word about the fight that was about to happen as they crowded eyes staring at us

I was not a girl to mess with in school. I was usually getting into fights, it is an exaggeration to to say i won most of the fights I had because when I had ever fought the people in school I never lost so when this idiota bitch pulled the knife out I felt amused to say the least

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I whipped round holding my knife close I saw it was matteo trying to calm me down and get me away from her "Alena stop this won't end well" he says his tone frustrated I pushed him off me going back into my senses ready for her to pounce first, as she did I grabbed her arm snapping it the opposite direction causing her to yelp out in pain I kicked her knife away as I continued to walk away to class with a smirk on my face.

I practically run this shit hole I thought to myself

After school me and matteo walked back home. The whole walk back he was ranting to me how I need to stop getting into fights or something.

I knew I shouldn't because when father finds out about them I often pay the price, but it's Normally in the spare of the moment and I get myself caught up in what I'm about to do.
As we walked through the doors of the house two of my fathers minions grabbed us by our arms and pulled us into his office and sat us down in the two arms chairs opposite his.

As I looked to my right i see my mother looking at her hands with a packet of tissues with sad eyes as if she'd been crying.
While my father looked more serious he has the same cold stare he always had glaring down as if he cloud see straight through each of us.
I started feeling uneasy what could have happened?
Matteo with the same confused facials as he looked at me.

Hope you enjoyed the first part
I would love if you voted or left a comment about any suggestions xxoo

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