Fight club

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(Alena pov)
"Dad what's going on?"matteo asked his voice becoming stiff as if he didn't want to know the answer to his question

I felt my heart race as if it was going to come up my throat
I couldn't stop thinking of the things I had done to make him mad or what Teo could have done

"nos mudamos a América por negocios"He stated blankly as our faces drop looking at him in complete shock, my heart sank as (we are moving to america for business) low as it possibly could go I felt tears coming to my water line as I glanced over at Teo he stood blank, emotionless staring forward at our parents "you can't possibly make us leave everything"I blurted out as my father walked towards me with a smirk on his face he looked down on me and yanked my hair back "we will be leaving tomorrow night there is no getting out of this got it!"he spat out as he raised his hand to me matteo finally snapped out of his trance and grabbed my fathers hand trying to stop the situation "don't lay a hand on her!"he near yelled at him "it's not our fault you are forcing us to leave everything we have ever known for WHAT!"Teo yelled
"Hear my words boy you Will not DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU HEAR"he groaned sticking his finger into the centre of Teo's chest "and for your information it's for business"he mocked and stormed out of the room.

"¿estás bien?"matteo spoke softly As I gave him a nod and ran off to my room
*Are you ok)
I started packing a small bag so I could sneak out and clear my head
I heard footsteps at my door and froze
"Where are you going?"matteo said I turned to face him he gave me the most confused look as to why the actual fuck was I leaving the house at 11:55 at night,thank god it was him instead of my father tho
"I'm going out to.."I stopped trying to think of an excuse

Im so fucking caught by him he is now gonna try convince me not to go what a waste of my time.

"Alena You can't go out it's not safe whatever you are going to do and me and you both know that"teo says looking at me with a little anger in his eyes But more as if he is begging me to stay
"Teo you can't stop me and I know your trying to keep me safe but I'm the older sibling here not you"I nearly scoff out the last part I don't want to be mean to him but I'm just really not up and not in the mood for him trying to tell me what I can't do right now

"At least tell me where the hell your going"he says saddened tone eyes looking as if he doesn't really want the answer
"I'm... going to the"i stop looking at my feet "fight club"I mumbled not giving in to the eye contact

Before he can say anything els I grab my bag and throw it out the window starting to climb out holding onto the ledge and putting my feet in between the vines that have been growing to the side of the house for years

I know Teo is mad that I went out but I don't really care plus It's not the first time I've been to the fight club anyway

I got into the fighting ring hearing the loud cheers coming from everyone around us 
This fight is without boxing gloves we rarely use gloves anyway so I'm not worried the girl in front of me is completely different her face pale with fear, looking over seeing her makes me smirk at how terrified she is.

I threw the first punch right at her stomach making her unable to catch a breath she then got a good hit at my eye I shook it off ready to finish this kicking the back of her leg so she falls, I jump on top of her punching her face not stopping once to think about it my anger and rage took over I got pulled off the girl by two large men she was completely covered in her own blood at that point,I went to get a drink while they cleaned the ring getting that shit out of here.

It was time for my second match it was against a girl bigger than me she had dirty blond hair I roll my eyes at her which only led to the girl raging out at me which made me slightly snicker at her causing her to go for me before they shouted start I didn't really care i was just more amused by the girl being so mad and filled with anger

She got a lot of good hits on me around my face and body
But she started getting tired

I managed to square up her nose causing her to fall back slightly giving me room to punch a couple more times knocking her out cold.

After I got out of there I go to the bathroom and get myself cleaned up when I look in the mirror I see all the scares and bruises forming on my face,I already have a black eye if dad sees this I'll be dead. I pull my hoodie up revealing my beat up stomach I roll it down carefully so it doesn't hurt as much
I call Adrian
"Adrian what are you doing?"I say to him
"Nothin why?"
"Can you pleassseee pick me up"I beg
"Send me the address"he grumbled down the phone making me giggle
"Ok I sent it through"
"I'll be there in 15"
"Thanks!"I say before cutting off

15 minutes later

A blue car pulls up in front of me with the window down
"Get in"Adrian says looking at me then smirking
"What happened your eye"he laughed
"I was fighting"I mumble
"Why dose that not surprise me"he says laughing again

Adrian is a close family friend his dad works for mine so he can relate to a lot that happens at home which is nice to be able to talk to someone who understands other than my brother

"Adrian."I state looking out the window of his car
"Yeah?"he questions
"I..I'm leaving"I mumble my leg shaking
"Where? Like not forever right?"he asked I can hear the unsteadiness in his voice
"I.. don't..know"I stumble on my words
"Well where are you going tho?"Adrian says looking at me
"The states"
"That's not a million miles away we are only in Mexico now anyway"he says trying to lighten the mood with a small laugh
" I don't think we are coming back, it's for his business "I say rolling my eyes with a scoff
"Who your father?"
"Obviously!"I shout at him sarcastically hitting his arm

When the car starts getting closer to the house I tell him to drop me off at the top of the road so I can sneak back in

When I get back in I see matteo sleeping on the chair in my room waiting for me to come in
When I walk over to him he jumps out of the seat "oh your back"he says his face filled with embarrassment
"Aww were you worried about me teo?"I say teasingly at him
"Noo"he wines "your eye are you ok"his tone lighter than before "yeah I'm fine it'll be good in a few days"
"What about dad we leave tomorrow if he sees"I cut him off from his panick
"Lo cubriré no te preocupes ahora vete a la cama"I laugh at him Hitting him out of the room
I'll cover it up don't worry now go to bed

Hope you enjoyed the second part of this book

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