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No matter what I did to try break from his hold it didn't work.

Fear took over

"ONE THING, I TOLD YOU ONE FUCKING THING KEEP OUT OF TROUBLE FOR ONE FUCKING DAY!"my father roared in my face as his fierce punches kept landing on me.

After a few minutes he got bored of what he was doing and decided to sit behind his desk and rehand me the envelope from before

"Daughter you are 16 Sí"he says buttoning up his suit and looking over a few different papers
"Sí"I mumble looking at him

"Well as you may know the mafia will become your own when I pass, so that means many other mafias have asked for your hand in marriage to their sons"he says trying to find the right words to use

No.. I this isn't going to happen this can't be good

"And"I scoff out earning a groan from his end of the desk "there have been a few boys that have caught my eye for you,they would also help the business a lot.because I mean it's not like you will be of much help"he mocked and sneared in my face with amusement overflow on his face "but there was one family in particular that didn't actually reach out, but our families haven't exactly been on the friendliest terms in the past years so this marriage would soon live to overcome our..well ..differences."

"No I will not!" I rage out slamming my hand into the desk top
"It won't take place for a while yet and I won't even disclose to you who they are"he laughed as if this isn't to do with my future, MY LIFE. he is sick.

"Get out"he glared and pointed to the door with his red hand from beating me

I walk out of his office sore all over I walk down to the kitchen to find Athena cooking the soup I asked for until I stumble in and catching her eye making her stop what she is doing to rush over to me practically holding me up "Matteo hold her for me"she told him in a firm tone, for him to rush over

"Hey hey hey it's me it's me"Teo continued over and over in my ear causing me to relax into his hold Athena tended to my eye with was completely closed over with blue and purple bruising "good girl keep strong"Athena said as she rubbed my hand in a calm manner

"What did he want you for Lena?"Teo asked "he..he .wants me to marry"I roll my eye and a tear falls "he can't can he? I won't let it happen"he pleaded as if he will help me to the ends of the earth with our father I give him a smile and a shake of my head telling him there's nothing he or anyone els can do about it.

I steady myself up in his arm and head to my room I give Adrian a call quickly

"Aidan it's me Alena"
"Sí what do you need?"

"Tell the the address of the underground from before I lost the paper I wrote it on"
"Thanks Adrian I'll be in touch"

"Stay safe"he warns
"I always do!"

Once I had written the address he had given down I got into a black tank top, black leggings and white and purple shoes.

I grab my bag full with everything I need for a fight and climb out the window with the address in hand, run to my car that is parked slightly down the alley so I could get out easier without being caught


Once I arrive I head to the back door to find the locker rooms to get myself ready

I take a seat on the bench in the back right corner and start wrapping up my hands,pull my hair into a high ponytail and put my name down to fight
After 20 minutes they managed to slot me in for a round to see what I'm all about, how I will do next to some of 'the best'. "NOW STEPPING FORWARD INTO THE RING IS DEEP SIX,SHE HAS NEVER LOST A FIGHT!"the announcer introduces her for the people

"IN OUR SECOND CORNER TONIGHT IS OUR NEWCOMER,THIS WILL BE HER FIRST FIGHT WITH US WELCOME OUT DIABLO!"the man spoke loudly into the mic. As I heard my name I run out to hear loud cheers and applauses

I took my stance in the ring making sure I'm ready "you know they call me the deep six because I send most six feet under"she woman in-front of me spat out with a harsh stare "is that so?"I spoke,sarcasm lasing deep in my tone causing her to become more angered
"YOU MAY NOW PLACE YOUR BETS"the man yelled once again.

the crowd started moving about placing bets on 'deep six because of her history around here they obviously don't know what's coming for her, just because I'm not as jaked as the fighters doesn't fore one second mean I'm not as strong,or cannot hold myself up

I smirk to myself once more as the girl tightens her hair trying to display that she is tough and scary but I just feel like laughing


The girl lunges the second she hears the bell with a grunt coming for me I quickly step back, she misses and comes from the other direction as I elbow her rib cage causing a wince from her,she lands a hard forceful punch to my abdomen making me yelp for a quick second. I can tell she wants to hit my already black and blue eye she is now throwing sloppy hits trying her best not to get tired.

I will give it to her she is a hard fight, a challenging one but within a few more hits from me and she'll be down. her hits are sloppy she is tired

A few more minutes in she has landed quite a few good punches onto my temple but not without her already being bloody, her nose runs dry with blood, how she is still up is impressive.

"Is that all you've got Diablo"she grunts with force sarcastically

I land another hit on her shoulder causing her to stumble i uppercut her jaw and she goes flying back

The girl is on the group as the announcer is calling out to 5,but she doesn't get back up she is out cold

"AND OUR NEWBI DIABLO HAD BEATEN ONE OF OUR BEST"he yells as the crowed applause whistles heard through the air

I walk out of the ring with blood dripping down my cheek my eye still closed over I look like complete shit. but hey I still won

A short half haired man came behind me before I leave with an envelope of around 100bucks
"Here miss devil,for you" he says handing the paper to me with a sinister grin "I am hoping to see you back, ally of money can be made from you"I gave a scoff took my money and sped up towards my bike.

I hear crashing and grunts coming from the alley beside my bike.I quickly and quietly put my head around the corner to find two boys fighting it was dark so I couldn't make out either

One of the boys got shorted backwards towards where I was standing,he fell back his grunts flooding in the air the other boy jumped on his and threw powerful punches around him I took a step back and accidentally stepped on a metal plate making noise the two boys quickly separated from one another. The one being hit at was running away as fast as he possibly could but the other walked towards where I was hiding I run as fast as I could toward my bike and took off
Without looking back

Why did he come towards me?

Hey guys I have tried my best with this part if there is any mistakes please let me know and I literally love your comments and your views and votes are making me so happy if you have any suggestions for the book please let me know xxx

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