Every other girl

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I was never there -the weekend
Please take me home -Luther
Something in the orange
Hotel-Montell fish
Starboy -the weekend

Please vote and comment Music I was never there -the weekend Please take me home -Luther Something in the orange Hotel-Montell fish Starboy -the weekend

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Alenas PoV
Once I got to class, mr who the hell cares started blabbing on about the 'love project' we had been assigned the other day. Everyone else's partner was in class were as mine was nowhere to be seen,or heard of what a surprise

"Miss Santiago where might your partner be?"the teacher asked "as if I would know"I stated putting my head back onto the table

"Do not speak to me or any other staff men member like that"sir warned "whatever"I mumbled under my breath "what was that!"his voice getting louder I just rolled my eyes and scoffed eating another shout from him "detention!" Fuck I can't today I have to be home early I'll just skip

Then Diego walked in with 5 minutes left of class, as if he had been here the whole time "why are you late AGAIN Sanchez?!"the teacher yelled fed up with the class at this point,but all he earned was a shrug. The boy came to the back as he always dose and took the only seat that was free beside me why is it always me

As he sat, His face was emotionless his hands playing with the chain around his neck staring forward "why are you staring?"he groaned his voice tired, I just snapped my head away and put my head down again, body tensing "decide now when you are going to work on your projects with your partners!"the stern man shouted out, I lifted my head and turned to him opening my mouth to speak when he cut me off "library again same time"he said and with that the bell rang and he was gone.

At lunch I walked to my locker to find Alejandro waiting for me as he dose often now, "where did you go last night?"he asked worry in his tone his eyes soft "home"I said quickly not wanting to relive last night "umm my mum wanted me home"i ended giving him a short smile "well I feel bad that my friends ruined our night so I was wondering if you wanted to go get some ice cream or something tomorrow after school?"he asked, his hand in his pockets looking down into my deep brown eyes

My face formed into a brighter smile and I accepted saying thanks. By the time I was finished talking to him, I just went to the library

When I sat down on one of the more comfortable chairs I began to think about what the hell my dads going to make me do tonight, until he walked in looking around for a few seconds before his eyes met mine, and walked over plunking himself down. my throat started to feel tight the closer he got, I started to pick at my healing wound behind my ear making the blood come out slowly making me just wipe it with my hand.

I opens my book to the page and he kept his stare on me,I felt as if I was shrinking "what? "I snapped not Meaning to come off as harsh "nothing"he said lifting up his practically empty bag taking out the only book out.
"Are we not finished this stupid ass thing?"he mumbled slouching in his chair, "we have to now, uhh find out a few things about each other"I state not looking up from the paper

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