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Elastic heart- sia featuring the weekend
Prada-casso and raye

Alenas PoV
I try to calm myself down when I heard the bathroom door open and a familiar voice echoed throughout my stall, Matteo but how did he know there was zero possibility that he just found out by himself

"Alena? You in there"his voice asked softly locking the door behind him "y..yeah"I stutter quietly unable to catch my breath " which one are you in Lena?"he asked for the second time, his footing following the sounds of my shaky breathing

I felt as if my heart was going to break down any second, I couldn't breath, couldn't talk it felt like it would never pass,the attack would take over this time and I wouldn't break free. I would fall into the complete darkness

I could barley see from the lack of vision I was getting due to the amount of tears in my eyes, until the door opened softly showing my younger brother "Lena it's ok, estás bien inhalando y exhalando"he spoke kneeling in-front of my shaking body (your ok breath in and out)
When I start to get stressed and have attacks Spanish tends to calm me,speaking in my native tongue. Even though we were both taught English and are fluent

"I...I c can..t"I mumbled holding my chest everything had just came out at once,the marriage, moving here,the new people,and for gods sake I start over thinking some random boy would hit me

"In and out"Teo said clearly breathing with me
My breaths soon became less ridged and calmed a bit "how d..did you know?"I asked him as he stood up "some boy told me you were in here"he said kind of confused it wouldn't be him,Diego told him, the one that practically hated me. He was the only one who seen me run out "what did he look like?"I asked another question
"Tall, brown hair and he was tanned but that's it he just came and said am I Matteo, I said yeah and he said alena is in here"he stumbled out wondering why I cared by the look on his face
"Why?"he asked making me shake my head "doesn't matter".

"Come on let's get out of here before someone sees me in the girls bathrooms"he laughed lending me a hand up "hey Teo I'm really sorry about our fight"I mumbled staring at the floor "it was my fault I shouted at you, you are free to do whatever you want.and I'm thankful for everything u do for me so don't worry,all good"he smiled then doing our hand shake we made when we were younger

After only the second day of this hell,I'm already done I got into the car and Matteo started talking but I was zoned out thinking about everything especially why would he tell Teo or Alejandro he wants to go out some time

"So what happened?"Teo asked referring to the bathroom earlier snapping me out of my trance "wait what?"I asked "what happened in the bathroom why did you have an attack"he stated turning his gaze to burn the side of my head "nothing, I..I just a stupid project I couldn't do"I lied telling him coldly my eyes almost dead,I knew he wanted to protest and get to the bottom of what happened but he knew better. I rarely ever let him or anyone els in about what happens in my life.

Adrian is probably the person who knows the most, he is practically my big brother he would do anything for me and I for him.he lived with us for a while when his father was in prison for smuggling drugs,money and weapons across the border for my father

Our fathers are like brothers the way they fight and become friends again each as toxic as another,Adrian didn't have a harm free home, his wasn't much better to me and Teo's but he had his mum who always did her best for him and tried to protect him from the abuse of his father that's something we didn't have.

After a while we were home and I was having a shower when nosies started coming from the bedroom door I walked out to find small stones hitting my window, I quickly snapped it open to find culprit none other as the blond boy from school "finally,took you long enough"he shouted up to me "shit the fuck up"I whisper yell at him signalling for him the climb up into the room as he did that I realised i was just in a crappy bathrobe

As he hopped through i swiftly picked up my cloths from the bed and locked the door to the bathroom with me inside "one minute"I told him getting my cloths onto my semi dried body.I walked out to find him sitting on the small lounge chair in the corner of the room "why the are you here?"I asked slightly taken back that he is here "I came to see if you have decided on going out some time"he said giving me a idiotic smile my stomach did that weird thing again I push it away I don't know what's even happening right now but whatever it is I don't trust it.

"When were you thinking?"I asked my tone slightly sheltered and closed off
"Whenever you want"he stated keeping his distance from me "what are you doing now,I haven't really seen around the place.I need to get some things off my head" i slightly laughed indicating the club causing amusement to fill his face "I was thinking more of a walk in the park or cinema but I mean the club works"he smirked flattening his hair

"Ok let's go"he said picking up his phone
"I need to get changed,I'm not going out like this"I mocked causing his face to slightly flush "don't you need to ask or something?"he questioned his face filled with intrigue "nah it'll be all good as long as you keep your voice down"I rolled my eyes returning to my wardrobe trying to find anything decent

Alejandro's PoV
I can't get this girl out of my head alena she is so different to any other girls in school her attitude,the sarcasm she jokes with but she is a lot more closed off, nothing slips accidentally it stays hidden like a book awaiting to be read I know it won't be that easy tho

She is gorgeous her long thick hair and rich tanned skin with eyes that look as if they are going to cut you in two.

I decided I didn't want to wait to see her again tomorrow so I went to her house where I left her the other day,when I got there I went to the side of the house and started throwing stones at a window I didn't care if it was the wrong one or not but I seen similar brown hair by the window so I went from there.

After a while she finally came to the window and shouted at me to shut up and then told be to climb up and that's what I did
After about 15 minutes of her trying to find something to wear she went into the bathroom and started getting herself ready.

She came out in a short fitted black dress with long sleeves that hugged her small figure.
I didn't know what to say I didn't want to seem like a total dick and say something stupid or make her uncomfortable but before I thought what I was going to say, she got to it first "no words I see"she laughed pushing her hair to the front of her shoulders "you look very nice"I said awkwardly causing her to smirk again "ha ha very funny"I joked sarcastically rolling my eyes "you sure,you don't need to ask?"I said once again "I'm sure it'll be fine"she said looking at me to climb out again

"Why can't we take the front door?"I asked
If her parents don't care why would we go this way out? "No just go"she stated coldly acting as if this is a daily occurrence sneaking out "strict parents?" I said asking he in a joking manner "you could say"she laughed more fake than before.

On the drive there she was pretty quiet unless I spoke first "how do you know Diego?"she asked out of the blue staring out her window making me a bit shocked but then sort of angry by the mention of his name "he's my twin"I answered coldly ending my answer at that, leaving no room for more discussion about him.

Once we got to the club I took her by the hand and led her to the back entrance.
"Bar first!"she yelled over the loud blaring music "ok ok I'm coming"I laughed, I didn't think she would last long drinking from looking at her thin build she won't be able to handle much alcohol. but man was I wrong she got 5 shots and took them like they were nothing and she kept going from there

About 1 hour in we were both partying our lives away and forgetting about anything els that was happening when my friends came up to us and started hanging around, dancing, drinking and anything els you can think of I was so lost in the alcohol from the amount that I was in no clear state of mind.

A few hours later we were all done and started heading out,"where's alena?"I asked my drunken friends "who?"they asked amount themselves making my mind wander where the fuck did she go she was just here right? "Is that the Latina one ?"Jayden asked smirking "what the fuck have you done Jayden!"I yelled at him grabbing his shirt "nothing man I swear she walked out ages ago"he confused "I was just thinking of her fine ass!"he whistled causing me to land a punch on his lower stomach making him groan in pain

Heyy everyone I hope you liked this part sorry it took a while.I will take suggestions and constructive feedback in the comments and I still don't know who the finally love interest will be love all the comments so much and thanks so much for the votes xx

TikTok: the_storiies..3

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