The sunrise kingdom

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Nobody's pov:
The king of the sunrise kingdom received the invitation for the ball hosted by the cruel king wanting to decline.

"I am the messenger of the king Hwang Hyunjin, here to behalf invite you to the ball hosted by his majesty himself. If not arrived there will be consequences towards your kingdom and throne. If want peace you shall arrive around Sunday at noon". Explained the messenger.

"I shall take my leave. Good day".

"Father should we go? I don't want to arrive to the ball at all. He can play tricks on us!" Said the prince

"Lee know look, we have to go for the kingdoms sakes. I don't want the kingdoms live for our sakes and you know about your brother". Said the king.

"Your highnesses dinner has been prepared, the queen and the princess are already there. Waiting for your appearances at the dinner hall".

"Lets go, son".
At the dinner hall:

"We have been waiting for you dear! What took you so long?" Said the queen.

"Nothing dear, we just got an invitation from the king of darkruby empire". Replied the king

"He wants us to go to his ball which I don't agree at all!" Exclaimed Lee Know with a frown.

"Lee know!" Shouted the king

"It's alright dear he is still young". Said the queen while placing her hand on top of the kings hand.

The king took a deep sigh.

"Look either way we have to go we have no option if you want the kingdom in danger then that's just as cruel as Hwang is". Said the king.

"Father when is this ball? Said the princess.

"It's at Sunday at noon, Felix."


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