Chapter 1

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The cell phone rang suddenly, breaking the tranquility of the room, disturbing Song Xingcheng, who had been sleeping restlessly in the middle of the big bed, unconsciously frowned.

The next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up on the bed, gasping for breath, his bright black eyes blankly swept across the familiar bedroom, his expression was in a trance, not knowing what was going on.

Before waking up, Song Xingcheng had an unusually real dream, which is still lingering in her heart even now.

In his dream, he saw a novel. In the novel, there was a character with the same name and surname as him. At first he thought that character was the protagonist, but later he found out that it was just a cannon fodder male supporting role. Look down until you are woken up by the bell.

After waking up, she regained her sanity, and all the details that had been neglected in her dream emerged. Song Xingcheng found out the horror. The cannon fodder male supporting role not only had the same name as him, but also had the same background and experience. It was almost himself...

The annoying ringtone continued, interrupting Song Xingcheng's daze. He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, followed the ringtone and took the mobile phone on the bedside table.

The three words "Senior Wu" on the screen of the mobile phone are jumping with the ringtone, and the name that was entered with joy and joy is now particularly dazzling.

Song Xingcheng raised his eyebrows. In the dream, he mistakenly thought that "Song Xingcheng" with the same name and surname was the protagonist of the novel, because the novel was written from the perspective of "Song Xingcheng" at the beginning, and later on with the development of the plot. The realization is just a cannon fodder for the protagonist as a stepping stone.

Coincidentally, at the beginning of the dream novel, the character named "Song Xingcheng" received a call early in the morning, a call from the main supporting actor "Wu Jingran".

What's even more coincidental is that in reality, Senior Wu's name is Wu Jingran.

Song Xingcheng turned her head to look at the electronic watch beside the bed. The date and time were exactly the same as those mentioned in the novel in her dream...

Now that the phone is really ringing, is the content of the novel in the dream real?

Song Xingcheng shuddered uncontrollably.

Ah, the air in early spring was still very cold, he quickly lay down and wrapped himself in a warm blanket.

At this time, the phone automatically hung up because the ringing time was too long, Song Xingcheng ignored it, opened the phone memo, and entered the plot of the novel in the dream by voice, taking advantage of the deepest memory of the dream to leave a record, and at the same time sorting out himself train of thought.

Looking at the last recorded blockbuster with messy text that only he could understand, Song Xingcheng showed an angry expression on his delicate facial features. Because of the same name and surname, he

The sense of substitution is very strong, and I am angry at the miserable experience of the cannon fodder "Song Xingcheng", and the so-called "protagonist" is too bullying!

While Song Xingcheng was angry, she casually opened the software of several social platforms, entered keywords to search for the latest news, and then stared at the photos and videos that popped up, her eyes widened in horror.

Could the content of the novel in the dream actually be true? !

Song Xingcheng was so surprised, because she couldn't hold the phone steady because her hands were shaking, the phone dropped twice, and the first time it hit her face...

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