Chapter 11

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The situation remained deadlocked for three minutes. All kinds of coercion and temptation from the men and women failed to make Song Xingcheng relax in the slightest. They realized that it would be impossible to continue like this, and they would not be able to win more benefits. There are children and accomplices, and it will be troublesome to find them after a long delay.

The man and the woman exchanged glances, and finally decided to give up. Although it was a pity that they didn't get the rifle, at least they got a pistol, which was considered a profit.

After a tacit agreement was reached, the man raised his pistol to threaten Song Xingcheng, and at the same time his body moved away silently, slowly approaching the woman, and gradually came together, turning into a confrontation with guns raised.

"Little brother, you see that we have already backed down, how about leaving today's affairs alone?"

The woman's eye makeup has been washed away by tears, leaving long black marks on her face. She still has a pitiful expression, looking at Song Xingcheng tenderly, and at the same time, together with the man, slowly Retreat toward the back side of the passage.

Song Xingcheng pursed her lips and refused to answer, but turned the muzzle of the gun slightly, aiming at the man, with her shoulder still resting against the shelf, watching the couple slowly back away.

In fact, Song Xingcheng's clothes were already wet from the cold sweat from his back, and his mind fluctuated violently. When he was threatened with a pistol earlier, he really felt the threat of death.

Today, this somersault fell too hard, it can be said to be unforgettable. If it wasn't for his quick wit, his life would probably end today...

Just as Song Xingcheng was staring at the couple, regretting and reflecting, he suddenly saw a person appearing at the entrance of the passage ahead, and his eyes lit up.

The couple who were watching Song Xingcheng closely noticed the change in Song Xingcheng's expression, and they felt a "thump" in their hearts, and they had a bad feeling.

It's a pity that it was already too late, the hard muzzle of the gun had already reached the back of their heads, which shocked them all over.

He Qianshan pointed the pistol at the man with his left hand raised, and walked slowly from the back of the man to the side. The muzzle of the gun also moved from the back of the man's head to the side. The strong pain made the man bark his teeth.

"Don't, don't move! If you don't want him to have something to do, get out of the way, I, I will shoot!"

Shocked by the sudden change, the voice of the man changed. He couldn't aim at the people behind him, so he could only shake the gun in his hand threateningly at Song Xingcheng who was directly in front of him.

"Heh." The person behind him seemed to have heard some joke, and sneered mockingly, his voice was like an elegant and low voice.

The cello, but the words made people wish they had no ears, "I think you are out of your mind and didn't take it out at home, are you in a hurry to find death?"

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