Chapter 12

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Song Xingcheng was concerned. Compared with zombies, human beings were no less terrifying. Accidents could happen at any time... It was really scary outside, and he really wanted to hide in a safe cabin immediately.

Song Xingcheng suddenly had a stronger motivation to upgrade the city level of the system. The cities of the first level system have houses and water sources. From the novel, they know that the cities of the second level system have grain fields. Unlock more useful buildings, and after unlocking all the buildings, he can hide in a safe room and have nothing to worry about.

After clarifying the long-term goal, Song Xingcheng cheered up again, and her little head, which was down and drooping, was raised up again, and she followed He Qianshan towards the shop.

As for the zombies, the man screaming loudly before did not attract the zombies, which is enough to show that there are not many zombies left in the supermarket.

Han Qinmin had been walking behind He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng, with a serious expression, but his eyes were erratic. He felt that he might have seen something extraordinary.

Song Xingcheng made a big mistake and almost included himself in it. Not only did the boss not give a single harsh criticism, but he also tried to comfort him in different ways? ? ?

Han Qinmin couldn't help thinking that what the executives of the He Group were most afraid of after they made a mistake was to report to the big boss for self-criticism. The boss is usually indifferent and ruthless enough, and when he reprimands people, his mouth is so vicious that it makes people want to hide in their mother's womb.

Well, Young Master Song is not a subordinate, but the boss wasn't so tolerant and kind to his friends before, right? Tsk, then what attitude should he treat the young master of the Song family?

Three words instantly appeared in Han Qinmin's mind, whose brain had broken through the sky: Boss lady!

Then he was surprised by himself, what happened? Is his head broken? Feeling deeply that he was making a mistake thinking about it, Han Qinmin quickly forcibly withdrew his brain, with a more serious expression.

Only his erratic gaze but not daring to fall, not daring to fall but still glancing at He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng from time to time revealed a little bit of abnormality.

It didn't take long for the three of them to find a clothing store, and each of them chose suitable clothes and stuffed them into the shopping cart.

When he searched near the fitting room, He Qianshan vaguely heard movement in the fitting room, and then found the survivors hiding in the fitting room. There are still quite a few people, clerks plus customers, add up to eighteen people hiding in four small fitting rooms.

Song Xingcheng slid back a few steps almost the moment he saw the person, leaning against a row of wardrobes against the wall, round

The round eyes looked vigilantly at the survivor who came out of the fitting room.

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