Chapter 62

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Stepping into the night, the cleaning team members walked towards the lakeside buildings with laughter and laughter. After three days, the team members who were digging again moved to live in concrete buildings. Thinking of going home with delicious meals today, these team members wished they could not walk again. hurry up.

Relatives at home will be very happy to see these long-lost delicacies.

Song Xingcheng lay on the warm stones of the hot spring, looking at the dotted lights at the foot of the mountain in a daze. He Qianshan provided massage services as usual, and took good care of his little boyfriend.

After the end of the world, there is no electricity, and most of the human beings have returned to the routine of sunrise and daily work, and there are no more lights at night. Although the survivors living by the lake have electricity in their homes, in order to cooperate with most people, they are also used to resting early. Usually, there will not be so many lights on at this point.

The lights I see now are mostly the members of the cleaning team who brought back delicious food to share with their families.

After relaxing, the two returned to the room. Song Xingcheng was excited at the thought of unlocking a large number of new buildings, and was finally forced down by He Qianshan to rest, because Song Xingcheng set the alarm clock for zero o'clock tonight.

Song Xingcheng wanted to go straight to zero. Staying up late before the end of the world is an achievement that can be achieved casually, but Song Xingcheng underestimated the exhaustion of the body and the recent work and rest habits, and was hugged tightly by her boyfriend and pressed under the quilt , fell asleep in less than two minutes.

Looking at his little boyfriend's sleeping face, He Qianshan couldn't help but smile, and gently rubbed his head against his head, and fell asleep together.

He really wanted to make trouble until midnight. He actually had a very good idea. The intimate exercise last night was very interesting for both of them. It can be continued today, but he went to bed late today, and he felt sorry for Song Xingcheng who had to get up in the middle of the night, so There was no fuss, so at least I pressed people to sleep for a while to rest.

The vibration of the panel woke up Song Xingcheng, and when Song Xingcheng sat up, He Qianshan, who was holding him, also woke up in a daze.

Song Xingcheng got up excitedly and ran out of the bedroom. Instead of going out, he ran to the living room of the room and took off the mural hanging on the east wall, revealing a window behind him.

This window on the east wall of the cement building is only found in Song Xingcheng's room on the top floor of the entire building, and he specially fine-tuned it in the control room of the City Lord's Mansion.

Because a few tens of centimeters away from this window is the third floor of the City Lord's Mansion, and there is also a window.

Song Xingcheng opened the window of her room and looked left and right. Naturally, there was almost no distance between the two buildings.

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