Chapter 47

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Li Changfan only has one precious daughter, Li Siyuan. Although before the apocalypse, he intended to train him as the heir of the company, but after the apocalypse, he really didn't dare to let his daughter go out to take risks, so he took his nephew out a few days ago.

If it wasn't for his daughter's initiative to pester him to ask him to act together, Li Changfan also rationally intended to let his daughter see the end of the world, and he would not take it with him today.

This morning Li Changfan arrived at the storage center with his No. 30 men, ready to deal with the penultimate warehouse. The barrier wall had just been erected, and the warehouse door had just been opened. Zombies poured out of the warehouse and were blocked by the barrier wall. Attacking the zombies with the weapons in their hands, no one knew what happened, the door of the last warehouse suddenly opened, and the zombies rushed over inside.

Unprepared, he turned his head and saw a large number of zombies. Li Changfan and his men were almost scared to death. They didn't think of fighting back at all. They subconsciously wanted to escape. During the panicked escape, Li Changfan accidentally fell to the slippery floor. After going out a few meters away, there were bruises all over his body.

In the end, he managed to escape by driving a car, but when Li Changfan counted, he found that not only more than a dozen of his subordinates were trapped, but most importantly, his daughter was also trapped!

Li Changfan was in a hurry, and ordered his subordinates to drive back. From a distance, he saw his daughter standing on the roof of the truck in a panic and calling for help. Li Changfan followed suit, but when he saw the zombies surrounding the truck, no matter how intimidating or tempting Li Changfan was, none of his subordinates were willing to step forward. save people.

Forced to do so, Li Changfan had no choice but to return to the Yamu Villa first, and beg He Qianshan to lend a helping hand.

After Li Changfan explained the situation, he tried to urge He Qianshan to act immediately.

He Qianshan leaned on the back seat, and said indifferently: "Mr. Li, I don't know how to cooperate with you after you repeat so much..."

Li Changfan's already gray, black, dirty and blood-stained face turned blue and purple from embarrassment and anger. Fortunately, he was prepared for this in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"I understand! As long as Mr. He is willing to make a move, all the supplies will belong to Mr. He, and I will not take a single cent."

As soon as Li Changfan said this, the subordinates behind him moved a little bit. After saving Li Changfan's life several times, the nephew, who felt that he had some weight, also showed dissatisfaction, and couldn't help but open his mouth to dissuade him:

"Uncle, this is not good. Everyone has worked hard together, and there are family members waiting to distribute pensions. They don't take anything. We can't explain it."

"Shut up!" Li Changfan angrily yelled at his nephew, "Your sister

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