Chapter 55

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The members of the He family took the lead and quickly cleaned up all the zombies around the shopping mall, leaving an empty and quiet square.

The shopping mall has four gates in four directions, and 20 teams of the cleaning team were assigned to guard outside the four gates. The coaches taught the team members to build a zigzag serpentine passage with solid iron fences.

After the passage is built, the gate of the shopping mall is pushed open from the side, so that the zombies pouring out of the shopping mall can only follow the passage, and are guided by the serpentine passage to form a long line.

Some of the team members hold long iron rods, and there is a "Y"-shaped fork in the front of the iron rod. When the fork is pressed against the iron fence, it can exert force from a distance to ensure that the fence will not be squeezed by zombies.

Another group of team members waited at the exit of the snake-shaped passage. Someone specially controlled the fence gate, and only one or two zombies were released at a time. The waiting cleaning team members took turns to deal with the zombies.

Because the purpose is not to clean up the speed but to exercise the combat ability of the cleaning team members, so unless there is an unexpected situation that the team members cannot handle, the coach will directly shoot to solve it, otherwise he will just stand aside and give pointers, even if watching the team members being killed by zombies He chased and ran all over the field without being moved.

Anyway, the square around the shopping mall has been cleaned up by the He family members, and there is enough space and space for the zombies and the team members to chase.

Isn't it just being chased by zombies? It's no big deal. Zombies' movements are not as flexible as humans. When humans run around, it is difficult for zombies to catch up quickly.

After being chased by zombies a few times, the fear of zombies in the hearts of the team members will actually weaken.

While the cleaning team was conducting actual combat training, the members of the He family team entered the mall from the underground garage. They ignored the two basement floors and the first floor of the mall, and went directly to the second floor of the mall from the safe passage to start cleaning.

This comprehensive shopping mall has a central open-air circular design, so even if there is no electricity to turn on the lights, the light from the sky is enough to illuminate the shopping mall, and the human line of sight will not be blocked.

Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan cleaned up the zombies in the shopping mall together. In the past, there were only two or three of them cleaning up, but now more than 30 team members cleaned up together. Soon, all the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors of the shopping mall were cleared out.

Some restaurants in the shopping mall had food in stock, supporting more than a dozen survivors until the rescue of the He family team, at least they could move freely in the shopping mall.

He Qianshan left Zheng Nianhao to direct 30 team members to start collecting and organizing valuable materials, while he led Song Xingcheng and Han Qinmin down the stairs

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