Chapter 56

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In view of the high voices of the survivors, after He Qianshan put the supplies into the warehouse, he called up the members of the cleaning team again and lined up on the grass by the Xinghu Lake.

After receiving a trumpet handed by Zheng Nianhao, under the eager eyes of eighty cleaning team members and hundreds of survivors watching, He Qianshan said:

"Everyone worked hard in the morning, and the overall performance is good. What I want to ask now is, before the operation starts in the afternoon, is there anyone who asked to withdraw?"

The members of the cleaning team looked at each other a few times, with inexplicable expressions, not sure what He Qianshan meant by this, and no one moved for a while.

In fact, some people have moved their minds. When they think that they actually got more than ten energy beads in the morning, they have to hand in half of them, and only a few are left in their hands. He gave birth to the idea of ​​leaving the cleaning team to fight on his own, and the harvest is all his own.

He Qianshan glanced at the members of the cleaning team, continued to add fuel to the fire, and promised: "If you want to leave, don't be embarrassed. It was agreed when you recruited people, and you can quit at any time. If you have, you can do so now." Come out and sign up, and if not, we'll move on to the next item."

He Qianshan added such a sentence, some of the team members who were already a little bit distracted finally couldn't hold back, and if they moved, they would drag out a string. In the end, 14 people came out and expressed their intention to quit.

With a flick of his hand, He Qianshan signaled them to find Zheng Nianhao, reported his number and crossed out his name in the team list.

Seeing these fourteen people leave the queue, everyone had different thoughts, at least those who left had secret joy in their hearts, and the eyes they exchanged with each other were filled with excitement and anticipation.

After He Qianshan confirmed again that no one would choose to quit again, he took the tablet handed over by Zheng Nianhao and announced: "Based on your individual performance, the coach has also made an evaluation of you. Get out of the line."

As soon as these words came out, the team members who were floating in their minds were shocked. Is this to expel someone?

Then I heard He Qianshan read the names of 12 people in a row, and the people whose names were read left the queue either ashamed or ashamed, and I probably guessed why they were persuaded to leave.

These people were reported by various coaches, and they were not active in combat.

In the morning, He Qianshan led a team to clean up a residential area, a shopping mall and a hospital area. It would be understandable if he was not active in cleaning up the residential area, but tolerable if he was not active in cleaning up the shopping mall. district time

If you are still timid and dare not move forward, you are not suitable to stay in the cleaning team.

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