Chapter 20

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Glancing at the three remaining families, He Qianshan didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly:

"I am willing to provide weapons and manpower to help bring back the goods in stock in your factories and stores, on the condition that all materials are divided in half."

The three families had some expectations about He Qianshan's proposal. After all, two convoys drove into the He Family Manor the evening before. He Qianshan obviously wanted to hoard supplies before the end of the world came and most people hadn't realized it. . only...

"Mr. He, is this ratio too high? I've never done such a loss-making business. If my parents knew, they might beat me up."

The youngest Zhang Chenming was the first to speak, his brows were tightly knit, and his voice was erratic.

The Zhang family started out as a supermarket. Not only do they have seven or eight large physical supermarkets in Mian'an County, but also in the neighboring county and city.

When the apocalypse happened, Zhang Chenming's parents were inspecting the market in the neighboring county and city. They were out of town, and they only had time to make a phone call to Zhang Chenming, telling their son to put his own safety first, and then they cut off contact.

So now only Zhang Chenming is left in the Zhang family.

But Zhang Chenming, who worked as an assistant with his parents after graduation, had not made such a major decision on behalf of the Zhang family, so he was full of anxiety.

He Qianshan looked at Zhang Chenming and explained patiently:

"The supermarket is a place where people gather, and it is also the place that attracts the most attention from all parties in the post-apocalyptic world. Without me providing weapons, you can't quickly gather back the supplies that can be gathered. I'm afraid it won't take long before you don't need to gather them."

Although Zhang Chenming had never held great power, under the deliberate suppression of his parents, he had dealt with all kinds of suppliers and seen thousands of people, so he understood He Qianshan's hint at this time.

If you don't take back the supermarket supplies decisively, the supermarket's goods may be taken away by others.

Experienced a fierce ideological struggle in his mind, Zhang Chenming was unwilling and helpless.

Finally, I remembered that every time my parents taught me a lesson, they always liked to use the "child next door" He Qianshan as a positive example. Although Zhang Chenming secretly disliked He Qianshan, but thinking of his parents' affirmation of He Qianshan, Zhang finally Chen Ming gritted her teeth and said with difficulty:

"Okay! Fifty-five points are fifty-five points, but you must ensure my safety and give me a gun!"

He Qianshan nodded in agreement, and then turned his attention to the other two families.

Li Changfan and Gu Siyue, the representative of the Gu family, looked at each other, their eyes full of regret and pity, thinking that Zhao Chen

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