Chapter 14

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It's a pity that the zombies are irrational and cannot protest He Qianshan's behavior. They just instinctively chase fresh meat and movement. All the zombies that came were killed.

He Qianshan turned the car around and drove to the entrance of the one-way street again, repeating the same trick, pressing the horn to lure the moving zombies.

Song Xingcheng stared wide-eyed and tried hard to find the energy beads scattered on the ground, seized the opportunity to get out of the car several times and snatched back more than 80 energy beads. The number of zombies they killed was more than that, but the rest of the energy beads were either inconvenient to pick up or could no longer be found.

He Qianshan was the main force in killing the zombies, he deserved 80% of the energy beads, Song Xingcheng kept 17 for himself, and put the rest into He Qianshan's ceramic bottle.

There were only about twenty zombies picked up in the second round on the one-way street, and none in other directions. After solving these, even if He Qianshan honked the car horn for the third time, the three of them waited patiently for two minutes. I can't see the zombies moving here anymore.

Zhao Zhenhai was in a trance, only feeling that he had been greatly shocked. It turns out that humans are not necessarily weak against zombies, as long as they have the right weapons and strategies, humans can also crush zombies!

He Qianshan carefully observed the situation outside the car, raised his hand to signal Song Xingcheng and Zhao Zhenhai to get off the car, and the three of them walked towards the community in the one-way street together.

This road is not completely free of zombies, but the remaining zombies are not easy to move, some are trapped in a series of cars colliding, some are trapped in closed shops, in short, they also hear the horn I want to join in the fun, but it's a pity that I have more energy than I want.

Even though he had dealt with two waves of zombies intensively, He Qianshan was still very cautious, trying to walk in the middle of the road as much as possible while guarding against threats from all directions.

The three lined up in a row. He Qianshan was always calm and calm. The zombies rushed to the front without changing their expressions. In most cases, they were killed with one shot.

Song Xingcheng's experience in dealing with the enemy has grown rapidly. Although he still has nervousness, he has learned not to let the nervousness affect his performance. He has learned and improved every time he shoots, and he is at the end.

Zhao Zhenhai walked between the two of them, raised the pistol He Qianshan gave him, suppressed the fear of zombies in his heart, and tried to shoot and kill a zombie.

After walking cautiously for three minutes, Zhao Zhenhai suddenly noticed

A zombie was thrashing hard inside the closed glass door of a nearby deli. The zombie was wearing a loose and rustic sportswear, and there was a hand-woven vegetable basket hanging on his arm.

Even though his body was black and rotted, Zhao Zhenhai could barely see the familiar shadow of the zombie, and Zhao Zhenhai was shocked. Before his brain could react, tears had already flowed down.

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