Chapter 3

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The off-road vehicle continued to slow down, and when it came to a complete stop, it stopped right next to the fallen zombie. Then the door opened, and an elegant and delicate man in a suit and leather shoes stepped out.

Song Xingcheng stared blankly at the man standing next to the zombie and slowly straightening his cuffs. The man's bright clothes were incompatible with the zombie at his feet. Only the long, black pistol with a "Danger" label in his hand Makes one realize he's dealing with a life-and-death crisis rather than signing a business contract in a fancy conference hall.


Song Xingcheng gave a thumbs up to the bottom, this guy is amazing!

So here comes the important point, where did he get the pistol?

Soon Song Xingcheng's attention was attracted by the other side. While the man was parking and getting out of the car, the fallen zombies were also changing rapidly. The process of corruption was as if the fast-forward button was pressed. In a few minutes, there were no zombies in place, except for a little dust blown away by the wind, leaving only a transparent bead in place.

Song Xingcheng already knew this from the novels. Zombies would quickly dissipate after being killed, and the only thing left was pure energy beads, but it was the first time to see this scene with their own eyes. It was an eye-opener.

"Energy Bead", from the name, we can see the attitude of human beings towards the crystallization of the ashes of zombies in the last days in the novel, and they are very happy.

It's so amazing, zombies are the life and death enemies of human beings, but the energy beads obtained after killing zombies are a great tonic for human beings, which can be called mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Among other things, the energy points needed for the construction of Song Xingcheng's city management system came from energy beads.

Obviously, it was not the first time that the man below had killed the zombies. He had already sensed the secrets of the zombies. At this time, he skillfully picked up the energy beads on the ground with a wet towel and put them into the ceramic tea bottle in his hand.

As mentioned in the novel, as long as the energy beads are placed next to human beings, they will slowly play the role of improving human physical fitness. No matter whether this big guy with weapons knows something or hits by mistake, he has actually begun to enjoy the benefits of energy beads Effect.

Song Xingcheng watched enviously as the man who had successfully picked up the loot got into the car and left, and immediately fell into a fierce ideological struggle.

He already recognized the other party as He Qianshan, the second youngest of the He family. The Yamu villa area was developed by the He family, and the He family kept the one with the best location. When Song Xingcheng's grandfather was alive, the Song family could barely catch up with the He family, so Song Xingcheng had met him when he was a child.

Although there was no communication for many years later,

As Second Young Master He is a core figure in the circle, Song Xingcheng can occasionally hear news about the other party and see pictures of the other party, so he can recognize people.

After knowing the other party's identity, a bigger question arises. Can he ask the He family, who has no friendship at all, for clues about the source of guns and weapons?

Desperately wanting to stretch out his tentative little feet is a last resort. Song Xingcheng knows his own affairs. The city management system has great potential for development in the later stage, but basically has no combat effectiveness and self-protection ability in the early stage. It is easy to die in the last days.

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