Character info

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Be free to use your own imagination on how the characters look like. I'm just putting down the main characters and their age, and a little back ground on the couples. The rest you will find out during the book.

Mother- Rosa Maria Santiago-Alvarez, 41
Father- Alejandro Alvarez, 42
Oldest brother- Viktor Alvarez, 23
Second oldest- Carlos Alvarez, 22
Third oldest- Alex Alvarez, 20
Twin one- Marcus Alvarez, 19
Twin two- Diego Alvarez, 19
Youngest brother- Mateo Javier Alvarez, 17
Sister- Elena Carmen Alvarez, 17

Rosa's (mothers) side of the family
Aunt- Emilia Victoria Santiago- Martinez, 38
Uncle- Sebastian Martinez, 40
Oldest cousin- Nicolas Martinez, 21
Second oldest cousin- Alvero Martinez, 19

Alejandro's (fathers) side of the family
Aunt- Isabella Ramona Rodriguez- Alvarez, 39
Uncle- Juan Alvarez, 40
Third oldest cousin- Hugo Alvarez, 18
Second youngest cousin- Manuel Alvarez, 16
Youngest cousin- Matias Alvarez, 10

Alejandro's and Juan's parents
Grandmother- Lucia Esmeralda Perez- Alvarez, 67
Grandfather- Fernando Alvarez, 71

Rosa's and Emilia's parents
Grandmother- Catalina Sofia Gomez- Santiago, 65
Grandfather- Roberto Santiago, 65

Lucia and Fernando's oldest sons family
Father- Fransisco Alvarez, 43
Mother- Brittney Alvarez, 40
Daughter- Lauren Alvarez, 23

Elena's friends
Russian mafia princess- Yelena Petrov, 17
French mafia princess- Camille Dumont, 18
Italian mafia princess-  Aurora Moretti, 17

Russian mafia family
Father (son)-  Igor Petrov, 44
Mother- Natascha Petrov, 42
Son- Andrei Petrov, 21
Daughter- Yelena Petrov, 17

French mafia family
Father (don)- Luis Dumont, 41
Mother- Celine Dumont, 33
Older daughter- Camille Dumont, 17
Younger daughter- Elise Dumont, 11

Italian mafia family
Father (don/capo)- Alexandre Moretti, 49
Mother- Donna Moretti, 48
Oldest son- Lorenzo Moretti, 24
Middle son- Elijah Moretti, 22
Youngest son- Miles Moretti, 19
Daughter- Aurora Moretti, 17

Elena's adoptive parents
Mother- Ingrid Montgomery, 40 (died at 40)
Father- Howard Foster, 44 (died at 44)
Grandma- Mirthe Torres- Delgado, 67 (died at 67)
Grandpa- Berto Delgado, 64 (died at 64)

Background information;
Rosa and Alejandro were in an arranged marriage, first they didn't like each other but after a drunken one night stand which resulted into the creation of Viktor they slowly fell in love. They got married at 18 and had Viktor a year later so at 19. Well Rosa was 18 but Alejandro is a year older. Every 1 or 2 years Rosa got pregnant again until the daughter was born.

Emilia and Sebastian met on a fair, Emilia just got dumped by her at that time boyfriend and Sebastian just found out his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. They started hanging out to comfort each other, after a few years the fell in love. They met when Emilia was 14 and Sebastian was 16. They started dating the moment Emilia turned 18. Emilia got pregnant with her first born a few months into the relationship, they got married after the pregnancy of the second born. When Emilia was 20 and Sebastian was 22.

Isabella and Juan met when they were kids. Isabella was best friends with Alejandro, Juan fell in love with her the first time he met her. He admired her from afar for years until Isabella started noticing him romantically. They married 2 years after second son was born, which is Manuel. They had Mattias 2 years after they got married.

Lucia was in an arranged marriage with Fernando's brother. But fell in love with Fernando, after being married to her husband for 2 years he died. She and Fernando had a one night stand a year after Lucia's husband died. Lucia ended up pregnant from that night, so their parents forced them to marry each other. They married when Lucia was 21 and Fernando was 25

Catalina and Roberto grew up with each other, they used to be academical rivals during their entire school career. In university they fell in love and got married and had Rosa 3 years into their marriage. They had Rosa at 24, meaning they got married at 21.

Brittney was after Alejandro but Alejandro didn't want her. Brittney was only after money, and Alejandro knew this. He was supposed to get married to Rosa in a few months anyway.  So as a sort of revenge plan Brittney started going after Fransisco to see if Alejandro would get jealous. One thing let to another and Brittney ended up pregnant. Brittney just turned 17 and Fransisco was 20. They got forced to marry and raise that child together. Fransisco though that Brittney actually was in love with him. But later on found out she was sleeping with every willing man that crossed her path. Fransisco got kicked out of the family, after he got caught doing something horrifying. He hasn't been seen since and neither have his daughter and wife. Fransisco was don until he got kicked out of the family, than Alejandro became don. Fransisco was infuriated when he found out.

Igor and Natascha were high school sweethearts, with Natascha having a teen pregnancy. Near the end of the pregnancy she lost her baby. They decided to break up after the incident, 3 years later they met again and hung out a few times. Eventually they both confessed that they were still in love and just got married spontaneously. They broke up when Natascha was 16 and Igor was 18. 2 years into the marriage Natascha got pregnant again, which was with Andrei.

Luis and Celine had a one night stand during high school, Celine was at that time 16 but told Luis she was 21. While Luis on the other hand was 23 at the night of the one night stand. When Celine's parents found out she was pregnant they threatened to kill her and her child if she didn't say who the father was. After finding out it was Luis they went to Luis' parents to see what to do further. They agreed to a marriage, Luis resented Celine in the beginning. Until he found out this was her plan al along, she planned that to escape her abusive parents. Luis forgave her and they had another kid when Celine was older.

Alexandre and Donna met when Donna was working in this little cafe. Alexandre came by that cafe everyday just to see her, he eventually learned her schedule out of his head. When Alexandre's father found out he was doing this he kidnapped Donna and tortured her. Alexandre went to her work a few times but her coworkers said she had disappeared. He did some digging and found out his father had her, he confronted his dad. His father didn't appreciate the disrespect that came from Alexandre so he tried to kill him. But that backfired, because Alexandre ended up killing him. He saved Donna and helped her to get back on her feet after that traumatic experience. They eventually fell in love and had kids. They met at 19 and had their first kid at 24.

Mirthe and Berto fell in love at a club in Cuba. The both moved to America as kids. The got married at the age of 18. They tried to have children but it failed. At 22 they found out Mirthe was infertile. They then decided to adopt a kid, they came across Ingrid and decided to adopt her and let her keep her maiden last name, those of her birth parents. When Berto passed away Mirthe moved in with her daughter to help raise her grand daughter.

Ingrid and Howard met trough a dating app. They went on some dates and eventually fell in love. They got married and wanted to have children. But due to an accident Ingrid had growing up she wasn't able to. When she finally told Howard three years into their marriage, he started drinking and doing drugs it started small and eventually expanded. He became aggressive towards Ingrid. Ingrid at some point near the end of the marriage came across Elena who's kidnappers put her up for adoption. Ingrid was suspicious as it all went by very quiet and very quick but she adored Elena. When the adoption was complete she divorced Howard. To later find out when Elena was 6 that Howard would get Elena when something happend Ingrid herself. She promised herself to stop drinking and doing anything unnecessary dangerous. When Berto died she relapsed into her alcoholism. Mirthe helped her get clean for Elena, so she did. But when Mirthe died all hell broke lose and Ingrid eventually lost herself completely.

Other information;
All the mafia's live in America, but also all have a base in their own country's. The live in Los Angeles, and all the teenagers go to the same school. The 4 mafia's are aligned and also quite close to each other. They have monthly meetups, where they either have dinner together or have a party. All mafia's are present on every birthday.

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