12. In the club

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Nigel's pov

"One dry whiskey and whatever the lady wants." I gesture to Elena. "A Long Island ice tea please." We sit down at the barstools and search for Luczenzo. "Found him." Elena takes a sip from her drink and looks at me. "Where is he?" I ask her looking around and not seeing anyone. "Behind the curtain on the left with a girl in pink near him. He's eyeing her body the entire time." She says as she nods her head in the direction. I look where she described and spot him. Elena downs her drink and takes a deep breath, "lets get this show on the road." She starts to walk away. "Good luck." I call behind her.

I am 3 drinks, watching Elena flirt with some douchebag. He is very hands btw. And I do not like it. Look it's not that I'm unloved with her or something, but more like a sisterly bond. I have seriously no clue how to explain this, but I just instantly felt a connection to her when I first saw her.

"Sup dude." One of my best mates sits down next to me. "Sup bro. Whatever he wants add it to my card." I tell the waitress as she takes his order. I look at my other side to see my other 2 mates. "Hey man." I say as I give him a bro hug. I move to the last one, "hey dude." I give him the same bro hug. "Add those two gentleman to my card as well, sweetheart. Thanks". "Sure no problem sir. What would you two like to drink?" "Whiskey dry twice please." Ashton ordered on behalf of him and Jake. Me, Ashton, Jake en Rhys have been best friends since the age of 10. That's when Pedro introduced us to eachother, we instantly became friends. Probably because of the forced proximity. We trained together almost every hour of the day for a multitude of years. We still do, I don't know why. I guess because we got used to it. And the others suck so not much choice left. Although I would wanna train with Elena one day. She seems strong and I appreciate someone like that. Ashton, Rhys and Jake are Pedro's strongest guards, all specialized in other things.

Ashton is the strongest one physically. He competes is illegal fights for extra cash and also because he's bored. He always brags about his many wins, I swear I'd kill myself if I'd jump from his ego to his iq. Ashton is also the dumbest one of us. He might not look that dumb but I swear you will see him in a whole different light when you spend a whole day with him.

Rhys is the best sniper I know. He spends a lot of his time perfecting his aim. He uses all the guns he has access to and strives to be the best at them all. He also decided to learn anatomy shit to know which spots are instant death, which ones cause some suffering before death. And also where to shoot when getting info of someone, so in other words the least deadly spots. From us 4 he is the biggest man whore, he fucks women as if it oxygen and he slept with almost every girl in the gang. It's extreem.

Jake is real good with knives. I wouldn't perse say best but he is really good. He has mastered the art of being as silent as possible when killing someone. You could compare him to a ninja. He even trained himself to slow his heart rate to near zero to seem like he's dead. I asked him why he needed to do that when he was first bragging about it. And this man answered with a huge grin on his face, 'for a suprise attack, ofcourse!' I worry about him the most. He takes pride in having inherited his dead millionaire parents savings. But he rarely spends any of it. I swear whenever we do something with all of us. This man just profits from others. It's actually getting very annoying.

I, on the other hand, am not good at weaponry nor hand to hand combat. I have the intelligence, with a pinch of dyslexia. But that is in no way important. I may not be able to read but I can decode almost any computer.

Shit! Where the fuck is Elena!? Goddamn I zone out for a little while and she's just disappeared? I try to search her in the crowd in hopes of spotting her somewhere. "What you searching for, Nigel?" Rhys asked me. "I'm here on mission and I lost my partner." I responded. "No you didn't. I've been here for 10 minutes now. I even waved at you as I walked up here but you were that far in dreamland you did not notice it." A voice says from next to Rhys. I turn my head that way to see Elena. "Oh." That's all I could muster up. "So everything went to plan?" "Yeah he's dead. Went quite smooth, I offered to sleep with him for some money. He accepted way to quick for my liking so we took of to some random room here. I made out with him for a while to not seem suspicious and I killed him when I started gagging from disgust. I staged a scene and used one of the guards as a cover up. The suspect nothing." She downs her drink and looks at us. That's when she sees the other guys and her demeanor changed drastically. From calm to extreme anger. They definitely met before and it did not go smooth. "He willingly offered to take blame?" Ashton asked her with arrogance and disbelief leaking into his voice. "Not really. I observed the guards and one of the guys they all did not trust so he became my victim. He was put as  guard of the door to prove himself. So I killed Luczenzo and screamed bloody murder. So dudey stormed in and grabbed the knife out of my hand. No idea why but oke. Then the others ran in and saw him with the knife, their boss dead and me crying so they killed him on spot and told me to never tell another living soul or I'd die to. So I agreed and they send me away."
Damn this girl is awesome.
"Now let's get drunk. Because I'm not only coming here to kill that's a waste of a perfect outfit." She said and we all agreed instantly.


Elena's POV

My back is pushed against the wall roughly as his hands grip on my ass. He presses his erection in my area. I'm physically unable to control my moans. His lips connect with mine and he kissed me so roughly. Comparable to a drowning person reserving and consume as much air as possible. We break apart when neither of us can breath anymore. He sucks and nibbles on my neck. He pulls away to admire his work. He slowly drops me back down. "You sure we can't spend the night?" "Yes I'm sure." I step away and reach for my keys in my bag and unlock my door. I step partially inside and just lean on the doorpost.
"Goodnight Elena." He smiles at me.
"Goodnight Rhys." I give him a smile back. I walk further inside and lock my door.

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