14. James

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Elena's POV

As I enter the church, I blessed myself and headed over to the confession booth. I sit down in the booth and make eye contact with the priest. "My oh my, your are quite young. What could you possibly have to confess, child?" The priest asked with sincerity visible in his voice. "I have hurt people, on purpose, and I feel bad. I no longer have the ability to ask for their forgiveness for my horrible actions. And I have been asking God for his forgiveness but I don't feel like that is enough." I try and explain without ratting myself out. "Dear child, if I may, let me give you some advice. Write down their names and how you hurt them and ask God for forgiveness for each of the people separately. The burden might be relieved more." The pastor explained. "I will thank you for your advice, pastor." I give him a smile which he returns. "Have a good day further, dear child." I got out of the booth and left church.


As I get home I grab the notebook in which I wrote down my list of people who hurt me. You know that list I had to make when I first met Pedro. I open it and see the list, I close the book turn it around and open the backside. I write down;
1. Ingrid Montgomery, killed herself by slitting her own wrists.
2. Howard Foster, stabbed him 10 timed in his chest.
3. Luczenzo, slit his neck and blamed his bodyguard.
I look back at my list in the beginning of the book and see who my next victim is gonna be from the list. I can't do my birthparents next, I don't who or where they are. Miles I also first have figure out where he is. I mean he is somewhere in Italy I think, last I heard from him was that he was moving to Italy. Samuels and his gang is in America but i have a plan with that one. Also I don't know where in America they are. So all that's left is James. I know where he is. Great.

I got myself dressed in my gear and headed towards Pedro's office. I knocked on the door and waited for the come in. "Come in." Pedro called from the other side and I opened the door. "Good morning, boss." I say as I give him a bow. "Good morning, Elena. What brings you here?"  I look up at him and notice Nigel and the trio sitting there. Pedro noticed my confusion and said, "We were discussing their next mission." I nodded and pulled the notebook from my pocket. "When we first met, you asked me to make a list of people who I wanted revenge on. So I was thinking. May I?" I gestured for me to come closer to show him the list. "Yes of course." I stepped forward, Rhys and Jake moved aside to give me some space to pass. "So if we go down the list, I was saving Samuel and his gang for last. Then we go to Ingrid but she is already dead, so is Howard. Miles I would have to go to Italy for as he moved there. James I know where he is. And my birth parents, I'd first have to figure out who and where they are. So all I can do now is James. May I have your permission to go and kill James?" Pedro nodded to himself a little, deeply thinking. "James had a stripclub right?" "Yes, it's called the Night." Pedro looked at the guys than back at me. "You may go but they guys go with you. Their target is their aswel. As you have different mission you may not interfere with each others mission." He told us and in a choir we responded, "Yes, boss." "Good you may all leave now." We exited and met up outside. "We'll pick you up at 9 pm be ready by then." Jake said before he left. I nodded at his retrieving figure. I decided to go for a little drive with my baby that I got from Pedro.

The day after my birthday Pedro had called me into his office. He then congratulated me and gave me a present which was a car. I thanked him but rejected as I couldn't accept a gift so big. He said that he didn't care if I accepted or not and that it was mine nonetheless, so I just decided to accept it. And god did I absolutely not regret that, this car is so beautiful. Her outside is a captivating black while her inside is a soft cream color. The car Pedro got me was a black Toyota Supra.

•<The car she got from Pedro >•

•<The car she got from Pedro >•

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