6. Work

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¡Tw: r@pe scène. Not too detailed though!

Elena's POV

Ive been living with Howard for almost a year now. And I kinda hate it. When he's sober he's oke. At that moment he treats me like I'm worth something and treats me with somehow respect. But when he gets drunk he gets a little physical. Like sometimes he just has lose hands and throws them around if he gets annoyed.

Howard has asked me to refrain from calling him dad or sir, he said that if I called him dad it gave him the ick and when I called him sir he felt old. The reason he doesn't want me to call him dad is because biologically I'm not his child but he does treat me like his daughter when he's sober. And he is old but oke. I haven't been going to school, Howard found it unnecessary. So instead I have been working so I can pay the rent of the house, groceries and have extra money left for when he has nothing anymore. I work as a bartender in a club, the only reason they let a 15 year old work there is because Howard's friend owns it. He gave me that job after Howard complained I didn't earn enough at my previous job. Which was in a supermarket, with a minimum youth wage.

Right now I'm getting ready for work and I'm taking a quick shower to make sure I smell good and I'm clean. James, my boss, sometimes takes me to a room you can rent to sleep with one of the hookers. And then pays me to sleep with him. James first wanted to sleep with me for free because he has this thing for teenage girls. A bit disgusting if you ask me but oke. After him asking me a few times I sarcastically said he'd have to pay me so he said he would. And stated a price of 100 dollars per hour with that amount of money i of course accepted. Now usually we spend around an hour and a half to 2 hours a night in that room so I get quite a lot of extra cash. If I can get almost 200 dollars extra but the only downside is to sleep with my pedophile boss why not. At least he doesn't rape me. But anyway, I got out of the shower dried myself and put on a matching lingerie set. I put on some concealer, tinted daydream after setting it I put on some light powder to stop my face from shining to much. I went into my room and grabbed my work outfit, which consisted of a short black skirt and a tight fitting crop-top. On the shirt was the name of the club in the upper right corner.

•< The work outfit. Pretent there is some sort of logo on the shirt >•

I hate the outfit a lot, because of the skirt you can see my ass when I bend

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I hate the outfit a lot, because of the skirt you can see my ass when I bend. I have a c-cup which makes the shirt extra uncomfortable, especially on the work floor. My mom always said how jealous she is of my figure, I got a hourglass figure. I'm kinda proud of it, except when I'm at work like it gets me extra tips but I get mistaken for a hooker a lot.

Finally my shift ended, I worked from 8 pm to 3 am. And now I gotta walk home because James was done earlier as he had a boys night. So he I will see at home again. Howard wasn't able to pick me up aswel as he is drunk. So now I'm walking in the dark with my headphones on playing my playlist, right now Brenda's got a baby by 2Pac.

•< AN: I put the song on top of you want to listen to it for the rest of the chapter. :) >•

I felt a vibration in my pocket, checking my phone I saw a message from Howard asking if I was on the way that message was from an hour ago when I was still at work. The new message was telling me to hurry up, right now he probably drank a bit too much. Then I felt another vibration but it wasn't from Howard. It was an unknown number who's been bothering me for a few weeks now. The person who send the message is a guy Miles beat up for me, named Samuel. Samuel and some friends were harassing me in school and when Miles found out he beat up him and his friends. The message said he was that he saw me leave work and was coming for revenge. I took of my headphones and exactly at that moment I heard a car in the distance. I opened my bag threw in my phone and headphone. And threw it behind a bush in the distance. I made a lot of money today and I was not gonna let it get stolen by some boring ass nobody.

The car behind me sped up and slowed down next to me, as I kept walking it kept up with my pace. "Eyy bitch, how many guys you fucked today!" Samuel shouted at me. "Probably like 10, I mean she is a whore like look at her!" Some girl I remembered as Samuels girl toy shouted at me. I kept speeding up, I was making them think I was running from them while all I was doing was getting as far away as possible from that bag. They kept up with me and were still shouting all kind of insults at me, mostly calling me a whore. I've been ignoring them the entire time, not even sparing them a glance. Eventually they sped away, just as I wanted to turn back to grab my bag, they turned back and blocked the rest of the road. I turned around to walk the other way, only to be met with a new car that sped up the street and turned the car so that it was blocking the other side of the road screeching to a halt. Now I was blocked in by 2 cars and a house with a big fence at the right side of me and on the left side was a grass field with bushes and trees leading slightly upwards creating a tiny hill. I had no way to go, lucky for me my bag was at least a hundred meters back. All the people in the cars started piling out, surrounding me.

"Well well what do we have here, a little whore?" A girl I didn't recognized screeched. Everyone laughed at her unoriginal joke. The term whore was dropped quite a lot the last 5 minutes but okay. Samuel strutted up to me and looked down at me as he was a bit taller then me. He was around 6 feet while I was 5'3. I felt a hand creep up my hip from behind, the guy started chuckling and moved his hand from my hip to my boob. His second hand joined and he squeezed both breasts, then his hands trailed down my thigh. He put his hands under my skirt and I lost all my cool. The memories from the night in the park fell back in my mind and suddenly all I felt was panic. Tears sprung to my eyes and I tried to push them only for them to laugh. The guy behind my ripped off my skirt and pulled down my thong. A horrified scream left my stomach and tears rolled down my cheeks. I tried pushing them both away but instead the just threw me to the floor. All the guys started surrounding me and some of the girls looked away not wanting to see this scene. They ripped of my shirt and bra, a few held me down as Samuel unzipped his pants. I screamed and squirmed to get away to no avail. They only laughed louder. Samuel did his thing and his friend took turns aswel. I slowly stopped trying to get away and just laid there paralyzed. My eyes void of any emotion, I slowly lost my connection to my emotions. After they were all done they got back in their cars, I heard the girls in the background cry and protest. Stating that they couldn't leave me like that. Eventually they were just forced back in the car and the car sped away.

I laid there for a while making sure they were gone. I sat up and searched for my clothes. Only to find out my skirt was ripped and so was my shirt. Luckily the rip in my shirt was fixable. I put my lingerie back on as they survived it. I grabbed my shirt and skirt and walked back to my bag. I found it and grabbed it opening it, I grabbed my spare clothes and put them on. Suddenly an figure approached me, putting a hand on my shoulder. Out of reflex I punched him in the face. The man stumbled back holding his cheek and looking at me shocked. "Oh I'm sorry, that was a reflex. I really didn't mean to." I told him with an apologizing smile. He looked shocked and proud? "Damn that was a reflex punch? You got some damn strength in you. I wanted to check if you were okay? I saw what happens at the end. They were gone before I could do something. I'm sorry." He told me looking sincere. He extended his hand and introduced himself. "My name is Pedro. Yours?" "I'm Elena." I accepted his hand. "I have an offer for you. If you want I can help you get revenge." He offered. "Revenge how?" "Kill them. I wanna help you kill all the people who hurt you. But first you have to train how." Kill? Who is he? "I accept." I said before I could stop myself. "Good. Can I give you my number? That way we can meet up tomorrow to get to know each other better." He said while giving me a warm smile. "Sure." He gave me his number. And bid me goodnight before walking away and leaving me behind. I grabbed my bag and walked home. When arriving home I got yelled at by Howard for being so loud. After nearly an hour he sent me to my room. I grabbed a notebook and write down a few names, including Howard's.

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