5. Mom? Dad?

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Elena's POV


"MOM!! Oh my god, oh my god! Uhhh momm! Why did you do this?" I cried in panic not knowing what to do now. I grabbed my phone and on instinct called 911.

The 911 responder / Elena

"911 what's your emergency?"
"My mom, she uhhh she had an accident and I don't know what to do"
"Okay calm down, can you tell me your name?"
"Yes uhh it's Elena, Elena Montgomery. And my moms name is Ingrid Montgomery."
"Okay good job, now what happend to your mom?"
"She uhh cut her wrist, there's a lot of blood!"
"She cut her wrist okay? Can you check her pulse? Try to check it in her neck not her wrist."
"Okay uhh I don't feel anything! Omg is she dead?!"
"Okay Elena, I need you to tell me your adres okay."
"Uhh it's uhh 437 Westland oak."
"Okay now open the front door, the first responders have arrived. But stay on the line until they enter."
"Okay I will."


"They are now in my moms room."
"Good, everything will be okay Elena. Do you understand? Even if she won't make it, there will always be someone waiting for you. Okay?"
"Okay.. thank you."
"Goodbye Elena."


I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting on the doctor to tell me how moms doing. Mom badly needed a blood donor so the doctors asked if I could do it. I mean I wish I could but mom adopted me so we don't share the same DNA. Which means that now they have to search for any other living relatives. But they won't find anything, mom was adopted aswell and her birth parents died shortly after her adoption. She had no siblings and no other relatives. And grandma recently died aswell meaning I was all mom had left. With no blood donor.

"Elena Montgomery?" The doctor called out. I immediately jumped up and sped towards him. "Yes that's me. Is mom okay? Is she still alive?" He gave me a pitiful look. No. "I'm so so sorry Elena. We tried everything we could but she already lost to much blood. I'm sorry but she didn't make it. Do you have someone you could call?" My whole world just came shattering down, everything suddenly sounded distant and unimportant. Someone to call? All I had was mom. I walked back a few steps and plopped back into a empty seat. Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and searched through my contacts. My finger landing on one and instantly calling it.

Other caller / Elena
"Elena please stop calling I'm not interested in you anymore! Okay you bore me! Stop this weird obsession. God!"
"Miles? Sorry I didn't mean to, I just I had to call someone. And I don't know I just. I'm sorry."
"Well stop doing so! I don't care anymore okay I'm moving! Leave me alone."

*beep beep beep*

Oh he hung up.  Of course he did.

"Elena sweetheart?" A nurse walked up to me. I recognized her, Lana. Lana is my moms best friend, they have known each other since college. "Hey Lana. He didn't want to talk to me so I don't have anyone to call." I tried to explain. I'm just staring into space not knowing what to think and do. Mom just died, I just lost my mom. "It's okay sweetie, on your adoption certificate it says that your moms ex-husband gets custody of you if something happened to Ingrid. So we called him and he is on his way to pick you up." My dad? On his way? Okay.

"Elena my dear?" Ingrid called after some time. She told me to wait in the waiting room until dad arrived. I looked up at her and saw a strange man next to her. Is that my dad? "Elena your dad has arrived. I already got someone to collect your belongings from your house so you don't have to go back in okay?" She said while her husband walked in with two duffel bags. "Hey Elena, I grabbed all your clothes they are in this one." Her husband, Rick said while lifting the left bag slightly up. "And in the other are all your books, perfume, make up and everything in your bathroom." He said lifting the other. My dad cleared his throat. "Ready to go Elena? We'll be on the road for a while." He said as he grabbed my duffel bags from ricks hands. I nodded at him and stood up. We both started heading towards his car.

"I don't know if you remember me but my name is Howard and I used to be your moms husband at the time she adopted you." He tried to explain sounding very awkward. "Yeah I remember you." I told him and continued looking out the window.

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