9. Mission

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Elena's POV

The next morning, I woke up early as Pedro requested. I walked into my bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on my makeup. Walking into my closet area I changed into a comfortable outfit as told. And headed downstairs not feeling the whole breakfast thing.

•< Elena's outfit >•

I reached Pedro's office, and knocked on his door

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I reached Pedro's office, and knocked on his door. "Come on in Elena!" He called out. I entered the door and gave him a respectful nod. "Good morning boss." "Good morning, Elena. I want you to go on a little mission. You have to retrieve some information about an enemy of mine. I will give you a file to study, in 2 hours I expect you to be ready for the mission. Make sure to know every detail." He said strictly before dismissing me. I took the file and left. Back in my room I looked trough the file. I read everything once and closed the file again, putting it in my bag. I grabbed my car keys and left my apartment.

Once in my car I drove to the closest church, I parked in the parking lot and headed inside. Once at the front gate, I dipped my fingers in the Holy Water made myself a cross and made a little bow to God. I walked to one of the booths and sat down. I prayed for my Abuela, my Mami and my Papi to have a spot in heaven. And asked for forgiveness from my sins. I spent around an hour in the church. Once done I bowed once more to God and thanked him for everything. Then got up and left, once in my car I read trough the file again. I was born with a eidetic memory, meaning whatever I read I remember really easy. I'm also really fast at reading. I don't know if you ever watched criminal minds but I'm kinda like a female Reid only without the intens nerd part. No hate though I'm litteraly in love with the guy. Anyway I read a second time just for sure, before I went and to where I had to go on mission.

I arrived at a warehouse from that guy, I walked in and was able to fill in all the passwords because they were all in the file. I entered a room with all these documents, keeping as quiet as possible I read 3 files in under 3 minutes. I looked around me to see if there was anyone, when sure there wasn't anyone at all. I grabbed more files and read them, eventually I read more than the half of the documents here. Suddenly I heard a noise and I hid all evidence of me being there and hid myself aswel. I heard 3 muscular guys enter the room. How? By their footsteps, they were really heavy. I kept as quiet as I could, just as I was taught at training. My movements were zero, my breath was nearly zero, my focus was a hundred. The guys talked between themselves, and eventually they left. I waited for a long while until I was sure all of them were gone.

Pedro's POV

"How's she doing?" I asked one of my men. I sent Elena on a fake mission, I do this with each of the kids I hold here. "She passed level one, she entered before we realized." Nigel, one of my favorite kids, said, he touched his ear piece and was attentively listening. "She passed level two aswel. The guys from the document room are wondering if she is even in there. They wanted to search the room to see if she was in there but as they were instructed to never do that. They didn't." He explained further. She is pretty good apparently. "Thank you, Nigel. You may go now." I gave him a warning smile. Lets see if she makes it to level 5.

Elena's POV

The guys had left completely, I read the last few files that were in there. I left to do the rest I was instructed, which was snap a few pictures of this random ass guy Pedro doesn't like. I exited the document room and entered the personals room searching for some work clothes. After I found an outfit in my size I put it on and left the room. This way I won't look suspicious and I can just walk the halls normally. I headed towards the 2nd floor, where I stole a credentials pass from one of the people here. I read in the file that only a few men were allowed at the third floor and they had to check in with their credentials card. On the file their was a list of those certain people, one of them being the head guys assistant. The assistant was described as clumsy and rarely paid attention to his surroundings. So it was quite easy to swipe that card of his. In the bag I brought with me was a mask that gave you someone else's features so I must the mask on and scanned his face. That way I looked like him I had his card and I acted like him. Arriving at the third floor, I walked over to the head guys office and snapped a few fotos of him making sure to be unnoticed by the other people here.

Once done with that I had to leave trough a special exit. So now I'm on my way there.

Pedro's POV

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I recognized the knock as Nigel's, "Come on in Nigel." I called out. The door opened and Nigel walked in. "Sir I have more news about Elena." I nodded at him to continue. "She passed level 3 and after that we lost all sight of her." He suddenly touched his earpiece and listened carefully. "Sir I have new news. She was spotted heading towards level 5. Turns out she used one of our identity masks." Smart girl. Not many have tried that method before. "Tell all units to get ready for level 5. Lets see when she breaks. Her caretaker is dead so we can keep her there as long as needed. You may go now." As he left a sinister laugh escaped my throat.

Elena's POV

As I opened the designated exit door, a intens light blinded my eyes. I stumbled on my feet and a something hard connected to my head. Before I could react I lost all consciousness...

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