Chapter Twenty

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"GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA!!!" A voice from downstairs wakes me up.

So I walked out of my room fo see what happened downstairs. There are Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael, and Jane.

"Who the hell just screamed?" I said, pissed off.

Luke and Calum quickly pointed at Michael.

Michael seemed so scared that he couldn't even blink.

"I.. I'm sorry to wake you up, Abby." He said.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Ashton smiled and walks towards me and he kissed my forehead.

Luke gave him a glare, then, Ashton laughs.

"Come on, man, I'm not a jerk." Ashton said and he sits back on the sofa, pats his laps for me to sit on it.

"So what are you guys up to? It's still like, 8 in the morning." I said as I sat down kn Ashton's lap.

"Yeah, so we're thinking to have our band started for real. I mean, this is what we planned to do after we graduate from high school." Calum said with his accent.

"And we're thinking about the band's name. And Michael just got an idea." Luke points at Michael.

"Michael did you just dyed your hair, again? It was like the third time this month." Jane looked pretty shocked.

"Yeah, don't bother, it's my thing!" Michael yelled.

"Punk rock, huh?" I chuckled.

"Okay. So I've got an Idea for the name. What about... Bromance?" He continued.

Luke, Ashton, Calum, even me and Jane looks at him like is-this-a-joke look.

"No, suggest another name." Luke said while he hits Michael's head.

"Then, 5 Seconds of Summer? Seriously guys if you don't like this one, we will go with bromance, no excuses." Michael puffs his cheek.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, doing that would make you sooo far from a punk rocker." I said.



"Don't swear to my sister or you're a dead meat." Luke said.

"Guys, seriously?" I looked at both of them.

Michael sighed.

"Anyway, I think the second one wasn't that bad."

Then, the guys nodded.

"Okay then. 5 Seconds of Summer it is. By the way, guys, we have to write our own song. Our own original songs." Calum said.

"Don't worry. I'll write something," Ashton smiled. "By the way, Abby, wanna go to the park?"

I nodded. "Sure thing, Ash. Wait a second, okay?" Then I went upstairs to get ready.


The park isn't too packed right now, because today is Christmas Eve. Tomorrow's christmas. Many families are getting ready for the brunch they'd have tonight. And the park isn't a good idea for now actually. Because it's pretty cold outside.

"So, looking for an inspiration?" I said as I walked with Ashton and sits on a park bench with him.

"Yeah, the others are so serious for that band, so I better come up with something." He grabbed his phone and start typing things.

I rest my head on his shoulder and I see what he's typing.

"They say we're too young now to amount to anything else.
But look around, we've worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now.
If you don't swim, you'll drown. But don't move honey.

You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear, and I know now that I'm so down.

I got a mixtape straight on the '94, I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor.."

Then Ashton scratched his head.

"What should I write next.."

"Well, there's you and Michael to write the first song, isn't it? Just send this to him and let him continue. But are you serious? Apparel underwear?" I laughed.

"Hey don't laugh, babe. That's what I can came up with. And anyway this is a punk rock, I need it to be a little bit offensive, but no swearing."

"Okay, so which one did this to you, the Bible Camp, or your job at KFC?"

"Come here, you." Ashton kissed my lips. All the colds that I could feel a minute ago, now all gone. All I can feel is him.

I smiled.

"I love you so much, Abby." He smiled then he rubbed my cheeks softly.

"When did you become this flirty?" I giggled. "I love you, too."

"So, have you thought about your plans? What kind of class do you want to take in college?" Ashton grabbed my hand to get it warm. He puts my hand in his coat's pocket.

"I don't know. Perhaps I want to become a doctor, but then I'm not that sure. Perhaps psychology?"

"You know, you can be anything you want babe. But I will be more thankful if you want to be our manager. So that I could be with you all the time." Ashton chuckled.

"No, Luke won't agree to that. You see, he's very protective. Okay let's just leave the future talks behind, okay?" I smiled.

Ashton smiled. I always love times like this. Just the two of us, talking about everything important and unimportant. Just the two of us against the time.

"Ashton, will you even love me when all of my hair turns white like you've said yesterday?"

"What's with that question? Well, I'd be the one first, right?" He laughs. "And besides, once I made my decision, I won't have regrets." He said as he cuddles me.

I smiled.

"Ash, promise me something."


"Tomorrow, when your band is on the audition at the records, please make those judges beg you to work with them?"

"Will do, love. Don't worry. We'll give our best." He kissed my forehead.

"Let's grab some foods for the Christmas Eve dinner then, the boys and Jane will come over, right?" I said as I stood up.

"Come on then." Ashton stood up and cuddles me as we walked to his car.


Guys sorry for the boring chapter.

I know this is boring.

But I hope you guys like it, and by the way. This story has only a few chapters left.

It's about 3-5 chapters before the sequel.

Thank you for reading my story so far guys

I love you


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