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⚠️ Warnings!⚠️



Giyuu POV:

I woke up to realise no one is in bed next to me. Nemi must've already woke up. I sit up and rub my eyes trying to adjust to the sunlight shining through the window. I can see the bunny outfit in a pile of all of Nemi's clothes. I forgot about that. I then hear the door open and then an earpiercing shriek. I turn my head towards the door to see someone with pink and green hair standing in the doorway screaming. I don't know what she's screaming about until I look down at myself. I am completely naked. I quickly pull the blanket up to cover my indecency and I start to scream too. I can hear footsteps rushing over to check. I then see everyone behind her, including Sanemi. I can hear boasts about how people betted on something. I feel like crying because I feel overwhelmed. My lip trembles as I hold back my tears. I look down."Alright everyone out!" I hear a husky voice yell. Soon enough the chattering fades and the only person I can hear is Nemi.

I can hear him walking up to me and sit on the spot beside me. He's still shirtless but he obviously has no shame. I do though. "You good?" I feel his hand rub my back. "Mhm..." I nod. "You sure? You still aren't used to a lot of attention yet are you?" He looks at me sympathetically. "I suppose not..." I whisper. "You can cry yknow? There's nothing wrong with crying..." He tells me. "Crying makes me look pathetic and weak... especially since I'm a hashira... a fake one..." I say the last part in a whisper so quiet he couldn't hear it. "Crying doesn't make you look weak or pathetic, it's just human emotion yeah?" His words were too much for me and I just started crying right there. I turn to bury my face into his chest. He doesn't say anything and he continues to rub my back to console me. It's comforting, crying into his chest as he rubs my back.

We stay like that for awhile before he lifts my face up and wipes it with his thumb. "Stop crying, it'll ruin your cute face~" he pulls my face up to kiss me. I chuckle softly before I wipe my tears. "Put some clothes on, we're gonna have breakfast soon." He tells me. "Put a shirt on then!" I laugh. "It's fine, I'm always like this! Are you overprotective?" He smirks and raises an eyebrow as I get up to put clothes on. "I-I am not!" My face flushes. "Sure, I trust you~" he laughs before I throw a pillow at him. "Gah!" He yelps before falling on his back. "You're so mean, Yuu" he says sarcastically as he gets up. "Am I?" I ask as I rummage through my choices. "Yes." He laughs. "You got a nice ass though!" I turn around and cover myself with the yukata I chose. "Pervert!" I scold. He laughs at my actions. "Alright alright, I'll turn around so you can change peacefully." He says as he spins around. "Good!" I start to put the yukata on.


Sanemi POV:

I try to sneak a peek but the first thing he says as soon as I start to turn my head is: "No looking!" I laugh at that and keep my head in the previous position.

Eventually he finishes and we walk out of the room together. The first persom to say something to us was Uzui. "Did you two have fun last night?" he grins. "Shut up dickhead" I groan. I get elbowed in the chest by Giyuu. When I look at him he gestures to Muichiro who is playing with Mitsuri's hair. "He'll forget anyway, I don't even think he heard it" I mumble. "That's what you said last time." He rolls his eyes as we take a seat at the table.

Plates of food (imagine whatever food you want) were soon placed in front of us by Kocho. "Hurry and eat, we have plans today." She tells us with her usual smile. Everybody starts to eat and the conversations start. Me and Giyuu just talk about life and flirted for a while. I was the one flirting. At some point Iguro pointed this out by saying: "Stop being gay!" Not in a homophobic way just a sarcastic manner. "I will when you stop being a fucking simp!" I spat back at him. "Shut up!" I was about to say another comeback until I felt someone's hand on my thigh. "Stop arguing with him nemi..." Giyuu says to me quietly. "Fine" He softly smiles and he continues to eat.


Giyuu POV:

Everyone finished eating and we are sitting in the main room talking now. Kocho soon gets up to make an announcement. "Me and Mitsuri heard that there will be a festival tonight and we think it's a great opportunity to bond and socialise with our comrades, no?" She said the last part looking at me. I heard multiple voices agreeing. "You wanna go, Yuu?" I heard Nemi ask. "I'm not sure..." I respond. "I'll go if you go, so you aren't lonely! For me, it won't be fun without you there anyway." He tells me. "Come on Giyuu! Please go!" I heard Mitsuri plead. "Yeah come on! I'll get you that salmon daikon for wearing the bunny outfit!" Uzui continued. I saw Nemi glare at him. "Okay then... I'll go..." I decide. I heard a squeal from Mitsuri and some cheers. I saw Kocho give me a smile of approval, even if she's mean we have a frenemy relationship. "Then it's settled!" She started. "We're all going to the festival! Muichiro you can bring someone if you'd like to hand out with because everyone else might do things that disinterest you, is that alright?" She asked with her fake smile. "Can I bring Genya then? I like him..." I saw Nemi give Muichiro a glare this time but he didn't say a word. "That is quite alright." She nods sweetly. "Everyone should be ready by 6pm, we will leave shortly after."  Everyone tells her that they'll be ready. I'm a bit glad that I'm going, these past few days have been a bit dull by myself, Nemi's fixed that though.


1066 words

Water and Wind aren't supposed to mix || Sanegiyuu/Giyuusane (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now