Battle 1 (Kokushibo vs Gyomei, Sanemi, Genya, Muichiro)

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Sanemi POV:

This demon uses breathing styles. I tried to get out of the way but I was given a big gash in the arm by the attack. "How fun! This'll be good!" I exclaim. I notice multiple footsteps approaching. I see more Kasugai Crows. The hashira. I also see the rock head kid, the wimp and the boar. And among the crowd. I see, Genya.

Genya, Gyomei and Muichiro join me in the battle against Uppermoon 1. I saw Genya use a gun in battle. That's not going to get him anywhere.

I tried to fight the demon but when I tried slashing it it disappeared in a flash. I looked around in a panic. I see Genya. I blink and he is cut in half. "GENYAA!" I yell. Genya isn't dead yet, how? Genya is still moving. He tried shooting at the demon but his arm that wielded the gun was cut off by the demon.

I appeared infront of him as fast as the wind. "How dare you cut my little brother up. You'll pay demon b-tch. Wind Breathing, First Form, Dust Whirlwind Cutter" I caught the demon off guard. I managed to cut off his arms and legs which regenerated in an instant.

"Demon slayer brothers, how nostalgic, I wonder why." Before the demon could strike Gyomei cut out his stomach with his weapon. "GYOMEI!" I scream "Focus on the young ones, Shinazugawa, I'll stall." Gyomei said calmly before striking again.

"Genya! Oh f-ck! You're pathetic you know that!" I say as I push his body parts back together. I watch as the body parts merge again and I help Genya up. "Aniki... I'm sorry, for everything..."
"No time for sob stories and apologies! We have to help Himejima!" I see Muichiro get slammed into a tree and his blade stuck him to the tree, fortunately the blade only stabbed the the uniform. "Nevermind! Genya! Go help Tokito! Come help when you two are ready!" Genya nods and rushes to Muichiro. I sprinted over to Gyomei. "A blind slayer, impressive. This is also nostalgic."
(Let's see if anyone can remember why)

(After long battle ig)

I got slashed in the chest. New scars to add the the already big collection. Everyone was still alive which was a good thing but everyone was In terrible condition. The battle against Kokushibo concluded. Muichiro and Genya was passed out. Me and Gyomei had activated the demon slayer mark. (In my au when Muzan is defeated the curse is broken, idk if it's canon) Giyuu was gone from the tree he was bound to. I saw him fighting Uppermoon 3 along with some other hashira and the rock headed kid. 

I sprinted over to him and I grabbed him and let him down in a nearby tree. "Stay. I'll fight for you."
"B-But you're injured Sanemi!"
"I'll be fine darling," I caressed his cheek. "You look exhausted and you probably don't have any energy after being abducted by demons, trust me?" He thought for a moment. "Okay... Be safe okay..?"
"I'll be fine baby, I love you so much" I give him a peck on the lips. I smile before going to join the others."




548 words

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