Chapter 1

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The year was 2009. Addison was 3 years old. Addison and her dad were strolling through Seabrook. Dale was still working on the concept of z-bands and he hadn't even created a model yet. Zombies were still very hostile at the time.
However, something drew Addison to the barrier. Something drew her - in particular - to Zed. As Addison neared the barrier she began running towards it.
"Addison! No! Baby don't go close to the barrier!" Dale desperately shouted to her.
The toddler didn't listen. She continued to near the barrier until she was close enough to touch it. Then, she sat down and refused to move. At the time, this was very dangerous. A zombie could easily stick a skinny arm through a small gap in the wire and scratch her. She was so vulnerable sitting there.

Dale tried to pick her up but it was no use. The toddler would not move. She just sat and waited.
"Come on Addison! You need to get away from there!" He tried to tell her.
But Addison didn't move.

At the same time on this day, 3-year-old Zed and 2-year-old Eliza were play fighting near the barrier. As soon as Addison came near enough for him to smell her scent he stopped and looked up. Ignoring the 2-year-old zombie cub who had now attached herself to him, Zed got up and walked towards the barrier.
Eliza let go of him and scampered backwards toward her half-brother Bonzo.
"Zon! Zon Zed! " Bonzo shouted. He knew that it was dangerous to get that close to the barrier. Even Eliza knew not to get too close.
Zed ignored Bonzo's desperate cries and sat down, directly in front of Addison.

Dale, who was watching this event happen, was curious as to what compelled the two to just sit there. They sat staring at each other. Addison began to babble to him and Zed began to make noises at her. Dale took this as the two trying to bond.

Eventually, Eliza picked up the courage to sit beside her friend. The three of them sat and babbled with each other. It was the most strange event and even now nobody can explain what drove the three to go so close to each other and try to establish a friendship. Dale was confused about this and even in the present he cannot explain the event.

After a while, Addison said goodbye and allowed herself to be picked up. However, just as she was going home the strangest thing happened. Zed spoke, he spoke English.
"Goodbye, Addie! Gar garziga!"
Nobody has been able to explain that either.

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