Chapter 15/ Final Chapter

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Eliza, Wyatt, Bonzo, Bree, Zack, Zed and Addison sat on the grass in the fading sun. The sun was setting. Eliza sat with Wyatt. Wyatt sneaked in a little kiss now and again.
"Will you stop man!" Zack said after the sixth time Wyatt kissed his girlfriend.
"Cos not everyone wants to see you smooch your girlfriend all the time."
"You're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend!"Wyatt laughed.
"Guys! Stop arguing!" Eliza said sternly.
Zack turned back towards Zed and Addison and Wyatt looked at Eliza.
"Don't mind Zack." She said.
Then the two kissed again.


Everything was almost perfect. It was like the perfectly imperfect town they had always imagined Seabrook to become. Everyone, for the most part, got along with one another and most people had settled their differences. Humans were allowed to marry zombies now. Eliza knew that Addison's uncle Michael (Dale's older brother) had been dating her mother for some time. He was planning to propose. She also knew that her mother had been talking about adoption. She wanted to adopt another child. Maybe Eliza would enjoy being an older sister (she wanted a younger kid and she probably wouldn't be given a child over 16). Eliza was looking forward to her mother adopting a new little brother or sister but something about Michael was wrong. He seemed nice and all but he was... Human... And a patrol officer...She just didn't trust him enough for him to marry her mom.
Hopefully, she'd get other it though. Her mother loved this man and he wanted nothing more but to look after Mrs Zambi and Eliza. Eliza's father had died when she was little so she didn't know how life would be with a father figure. She wanted to accept him as her step-father...but... he was different... he wasn't a zombie like her.
Michael wasn't against adopting a child and he said it would be nice for Eliza to have a younger sibling to look after. He wanted to be Eliza's father. He had no kids of his own biologically but he wanted to have the feeling of being her mentor, her guardian, her father. And a father to the other child that they adopt.

When Eliza returned home, she saw Michael sitting with her mother. This time she didn't complain.
Instead, she whispered, "Did you propose yet?"
"Yeah." He whispered back. "I proposed in the park. It was so romantic."
"Did she say yes?"
Eliza laughed and sat down with them. This was her family. And it was going to get even bigger when they adopt a kid. Maybe her mom would have another baby? They sat there - as a family. Then they ate dinner - as a family. And at the end of the day, Micheal and Eliza's mother came to say goodnight. Eliza fell asleep and not too long afterwards Michael and her mom went to bed too.
Everything was perfect - perfectly imperfect.

The End

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this. 'Peace' is going to start either tomorrow or Monday (maybe a little bit after that if I'm too busy but I'll try to start tomorrow/Monday)

Love you, guys,
See you in the next book,

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