Chapter 8

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The two men ran outside. They were closely followed by Eliza who had picked the lock to her cage.

To their horror, they saw a sight they never wished to see. A human had climbed over the barrier (the reason was unknown). As the man jumped down, to the side where the zombies live, he was attacked. There was blood everywhere!

Z-patrol officers were shouting at one another. A couple had gone in (with protection) and were trying to stop the zombies from attacking the unconscious, but still alive man.

There were six of them who were attacking - Samamza, Arthuz, Zack, Zane, Zara and Zeven. Dale was surprised to see Zeven there - usually, he was tame unless somebody touched his children.
Then Dale saw it. The six-year-old cub that was laid beside the human they were attacking. It was Zeven's daughter - Zoey.

She didn't seem hurt - just scared and startled by the event around her. As soon as the rest of the Z-patrol had arrived on the scene and began to slowly make their way towards the human (and Zoey), Zeven got even more violent. He started roaring and trying to hurt the Z-patrol members and stop them from coming any closer.
"Drakska!" Zevon insulted them as they tried to near the middle of the circle.
He growled and roared. He was scared - for his child and his baby's life. He had already lost his wife to the Z-patrol and he didn't want to lose his daughter.

It wasn't the Z-patrol who stopped the incident. It was much more unexpected than that. It was Zoey.

As the little six-year-old girl sat in the middle of the fight - occasionally getting hit when one of the zombies tried to attack the human.
After a while, she had had enough.
"Stop!!!" She screamed.

Everyone froze, even Zeven. Everyone looked at the six-year-old girl with surprise. They all watched as she got up and walked to her father. After that, everyone returned to what they were doing before the attack.

The human were taken to hospital and for the next year or so everything was somewhat normal. The zombies all got Z-bands and everyone seemed to get along okay. By the time Addison, Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, Bucky and Bree were in their last year at Seabrook High, only a few 'zombie haters' remained. Most people had made friends with the zombies and werewolves. Everything was perfect.

Well... Until it wasn't.

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