Chapter 11

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"Nooo!" Wyatt screamed. He raced to the van and started to pull on the door. It was locked! His girlfriend was inside the van, he could see her through the window. She looked... Scared.

"I'm sorry, this zombie is a threat and must be taken into containment. They do not have a Z-band."Officer Sus (Gus, sorry it was a typo) said.
"But..." Wyatt argued.
"But nothing! We'll return her to Zombie Town when we return her." Officer Su...Gus said.
Wyatt was now banging on the door. He put his hand up to the glass and Eliza did the same.
"Gar Garziga, Wyatka! Zodzig, Agru grumans grugzat! " I love you, Wyatt! I'm sorry, these humans are stupid!
Wyatt didn't understand zombie tongue but he did understand one thing that she said. She said Gar Garziga. Bree told him that it meant 'I love you'

"I love you too Eliza. I won't let them keep you for long. I'll get you back to normal. I promise!"
Wyatt watched the Z-patrol start the van. He watched it drive away with Eliza in the back. He wanted to cry. He stood there for who knows how long. He only moved when he realised it was getting dark. Slowly and sadly, he trudged back to the wolf den.


The next day, Wyatt wasn't at school. Addison and Zed were worried. Had he found Eliza? Was he attacked? Did he get lost? All their questions were unanswered! Addison felt like it was her fault. She should have told Goldie not to do it. She should have got in the way! But no! She had stood there stupidly. Then she ran for her life. Wynter wasn't there either. Did something happen to her? Was she okay? Was she with Wyatt?

All their questions were soon answered when, at lunch, Willa came up to their table. Willa usually sat by herself, sometimes with Wynter and Wyatt.
"Hey, guys... Wyatt is... Really sad. And I'm not sure why. I think it's to do with Eliza. He said he was going to containment to try to get her back..."
"That would be no use..." Addison said, "My dad wouldn't allow anyone to visit."
"I know. I told him that. But he went anyway."


Wyatt burst through the doors to containment. He spotted the receptionist at her desk.
"Hello, how can I..." She began.
"Where is Eliza!? Where is my girlfriend!?" He demanded.
"... Help?" She finished.
"Where is she?! Take me to her! Now!!!!"
The receptionist stood up. She looked terrified! She lead Wyatt to the room where they kept Eliza.
"I'm sorry but you can't go in here." Said the guard.
"Why not!?" He demanded.
"The zombie in here is unstable!"
"Give her a Z-band then dummy!" Wyatt snapped.
"I'm sorry but that didn't work... She's still unstable... The Z-band...failed."

Suddenly, Willa burst in. She and her friends (including Addison) walked up to the door where Wyatt was standing.
"Wyatt! What are you thinking? It's dumb and foolish to come in here and ask to see someone who is clearly not ready for visitors!" Willa said to him. She sounded angry with him but also relieved that he wasn't hurt. She loved her brother more than anything and didn't want him to get hurt. If he did get hurt, she'd never forgive herself.

"Junior Chief of Z-patrol coming through!"Addison declared. Being the chief's daughter, she was the Junior chief. That meant that technically if a zombie was a cub (under 18), she could override what the Z-patrol said and realise them from containment.

The guard let Addison pass. He tried to stop Wyatt. Wyatt pushed his way through. The guard was about to stop him and bring him back.
"Let them through!" Addison commanded.
The guard obediently let them enter the room without an argument.

The room was a mess. Eliza was in the corner of it, chained to a metal pole. Addison crouched beside her. She whispered something to Eliza which seemed to soothe her.
"Let me see!" She said.
Eliza slowly and stiffly lifted her arm. Addison immediately saw the problem.
"We need to act fast!" She declared.
"What's wrong!?" Asked the guard.

Addison took off the Z-band and gave it to the guard. It was chewed. There was a hole straight through the electrical engineering. That's why it didn't work.

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