Chapter 12

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Addison rummaged through storage. After having no luck she called her father.
"The Z-bands? They're... Umm... I don't know... I can't remember where I put them..."
"WHAT!? How can you lose something that important?"
Dale and Addison both began looking for them. Eventually, Addison found them.
"They... They're chewed as well!" She exclaimed.
"What!?" Dale yelled, "I can't believe it! They are! There's a hole straight through the middle!"
They took the Z-band to Chip. Chip was Dale's twin brother. He knew all about electronics. He might be able to fix it.

"So you want me to fix that?"
"Might take a few hours, okay bro? Come find me tomorrow."

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The day went by slowly for Wyatt. He knew that he'd (hopefully) get his girlfriend back soon but he needed her now. He seemed upset all day. He seemed almost depressed.
"Wyatt?" Came a voice. He was sitting on a rock in the forest. He recognised the voice as Addison's.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah..." He sniffed.
"Are you sure, Wy?" Came another voice. It was Willa.
He didn't turn to face the two girls but he let them know he knew he was listening.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want. I know how it feels to have someone taken from you... Zed was taken to containment before. I felt terrible when that happened too." Addison said.
"I'm fine... Really!" Wyatt said.
"Wy, you don't have to pretend to be fine... Everyone feels sad sometimes. She'll be back before you know it though. And when she is it'll be like nothing ever happened. And Goldie promised never to play that stupid game again." Willa said.
"My uncle is fixing the Z-bands. Something chewed through them. He thinks it was rats."
Addison wasn't too sure her uncle was right about that but she didn't want to scare Wyatt. She thought it was probably a zombie or maybe a... werewolf? Wyatt? Maybe.


The next day, Eliza got her Z-band back. She wasn't released but visitors were allowed in now.

Wyatt came through the door. As soon as he did, Eliza through her arms around him. She'd never been a hugger (neither had Wyatt) and she'd always hated physical touch but after everything, she wanted and needed Wyatt.
Wyatt stood there letting her hug him. It was comforting after being apart for so long. After everything, he needed this. Eliza and Wyatt talked for a while. They danced around the topic of what had happened and whenever either of them mentioned it the other quickly changed the subject. Eliza must have said 'I'm alright' at least twenty times during the conversation. Wyatt was worried about her.

After a while, Wyatt was told to leave. He didn't want to but Eliza reassured him that she was okay.
"I'm okay. I'll be released in a week, Wy! I'll see you soon!"
"Bye Liz"
"Bye Wy!"
"Stay safe out there!" Eliza called as he left.
"I will!" He called back.


The week passed slowly but not as slowly now that Eliza had her Z-band back.
Wyatt sat with Zed. It had been three days since he'd visited Eliza. Zed had called her. After a while of his band ringing, Eliza answered.
"Hi, Zed! Oh Wyatt, Hi!"
"What did you call me for?" She asked. She sounded a bit serious like she was expecting them to tell her some bad news or something. Suppose it's because nobody ever called zombies in containment unless it was important news.

"Just making sure you're okay. You know how the Z-patrol can be in containment." Zed said.

"Yeah, I'm okay! How are you guys?"

"We're fine. Have you guys found out what chewed through the Z-bands yet?" Zed asked.

"It was me..." Eliza said.

"WHAT?! WHY!?"

"Sabotage!" Eliza laughed. "Pay back to the stupid humans! They messed with the wrong zombie!"

The boys laughed. They felt so much better knowing the problem wasn't serious. It was just Eliza. Nothing dangerous!

(Author's note.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book. If you did, don't forget to vote so more people can find and enjoy this book.
Love you guys!

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