Chapter 2

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In the days that passed, Addison and Zed met up at the barrier more and more often. Soon lots of kids were meeting at the barrier to play with children from the other side. Addison brought her friends with her and after a while, some other zombie cubs made friends with her and the human kids got to know Zed and Eliza.

On one day, in particular, Bonzo got himself involved. That's when he met Bree. Bree was 3 years old. Bonzo instantly felt that he loved her.
Bonzo made his way cautiously to the barrier. There Bree was standing on her own. Bonzo made his way towards her.
When he got there he sat down and introduced himself.
" Bonzo..."
Bree looked up. She almost screamed at the sight of a zombie, never mind a zombie who tried to talk to her. She cried and soon enough her father was there to get her.
"What's wrong Bree? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked in a soft tone.
Then he saw Bonzo.
"Oh... Ummm... That's why... Well... Let's get out of here then..." He said nervously, not breaking eye contact with Bonzo. Bree and her father swiftly left and Bonzo was left - heartbroken- by himself.


A few days later, he spotted Bree again. This time she was with another girl. He approached the two girls and sat quietly on the ground. Bree's companion saw him and curiously took a step closer to him. Bree didn't move. Her friend encouraged her to get closer but she didn't want to.
Then, Bonzo got up and picked a flower. He handed it to Bree's friend, pointing at Bree as if to say that it was for her. Bree's friend gave the flower to her. Bree suddenly felt a twang of guilt for crying like she did before. She accepted the flower and went about trying to get over the barrier. She wanted to hug him to say thank you.
Unfortunately for Bree, the barrier was too high and her father saw her trying to climb it and took her away. The last Bonzo saw of Bree (for a few years) was her waving goodbye as she was carried away to a car.

Eliza had seen the entire thing and went to comfort her half-brother with a cuddle and a play fight. Bonzo was devastated, he had won over a girl and she had been carried away from him! Even his half-sister's cuddling couldn't cheer him up. Not even Zed could cheer him up.

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