Chapter 6

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When Eliza woke up, she was in the lab in the  Z-patrol HQ. Dale was at the other side of the room. This time, however, she was in a cage so that she couldn't escape.

Dale walked over to the cage and opened the door. He reached in and measured her wrist. Eliza growled at him. He didn't seem scared anymore.

"Ag ziggy!" Eliza said. I'm hungry
Dale walked away from the cage and over to the drawer where he kept the Z-band prototypes.
"Ag ziggy!" Eliza repeated.
Dale ignored her and selected a Z-band from the drawer. He walked over to the cage and slipped it onto Eliza's wrist.

"Ag..."Eliza began.
Before she could finish the Z-band shocked her. It was too strong.
"Zongro!" Hurt!
Dale undid the Z-band's strap and took it from her wrist.
"Garzar."Eliza said. Thank you.

Dale radioed somebody.
" Hey, the Z-band didn't work. I'm running out of options here. If the next prototype doesn't work we might have to give up on the idea altogether." He told the radio.

"I agree. This project is too ambitious anyway. Like zombies will ever be like us! It's a crazy idea. It's funny that you thought some electromagnet thingumajigs would tame those beasts!" The person on the other end laughed.

"Hey... It'll work! In fact... I'll find a way for it to work! Even if it takes me a lifetime!"

"Ha! We'll see about that Wells. Gotta go anyway. See you later. "
The other person turned off their radio.

Dale turned his attention back to Eliza.
"Ag ziggy!" She said again.
Dale rolled his eyes and brought her some collibrains. She ate them hungrily.

Meanwhile, Addison was sat by the barrier having a one-sided conversation with Zed.
"We'll find a way to make this work." She told him. "The Z-band will free you from this brain-eating, mindless state you're in. My dad will find a way. He always does!"
Addison looked up to see that Zed had turned his attention to someone else.
"Raz?" He asked her. Who? Who is that?
Addison looked at the person he was referring to. It was Bucky.
"That's my cousin. His name is Bucky. He's... He's a jerk."
"Ro drakska? Ro grugzat?"
"I suppose you could call him that... He is a little... Stupid!"
"Buckka zongro?" Is Bucky bad?
"He's not bad... Just a little selfish that's all."

Addison understood zombie tongue now. She had known Zed, Eliza, Bonzo and a few other zombies for years now and she had gotten to learn their language - mainly from Eliza since she loved to teach Addison zombie tongue.
"Gozrea Elizska?" Where is Eliza?
"She's in the Z-patrol HQ. My dad..."
"Gozig!?  Goreez?"  What!? Why?
"My dad is working on the z-bands remember? He needed a zombie to test them on and... Eliza isn't exactly... Tame... If it works on her it'll work for everyone."
"Gogrog grag agru gu agzat?" When will she come out?
"I don't know. Zie gofrugal." Addison said. "When my dad is done with her."
"Grah razuh gutzig?" Will she be okay?
"I won't let anyone hurt her Zed! I promise!"

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