Chapter 7

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After almost an entire year, Dale finally did it! He created the Z-band.

"Finally!" Dale exclaimed as he watched the scene happening in front of him. His z-band - his invention that he had spent years on - was finally working.
He had slipped it onto Eliza's wrist expecting it to explode or break or simply just do nothing but instead, it worked.
Eliza's breathing had calmed down, her heart rate slowed to something normal and her veins sunk back into her skin. Her face looked more normal and now he could make out the teenage girl staring up at him. She looked more... Human! She no longer looked like a monster!
"This is the best day ever!" Dale told himself. "I'd better radio Officer Gus!"
He got out his radio and radioed his colleague.

"Officer Sus...!"

"Pardon?"An annoyed voice came from the radio speaker.

"Umm...I mean Officer Gus! I did it! I finally did it!" He said. His voice sounded slightly excited and very happy.

"Did what?" Came Officer Gus's voice from the radio.

"I made the Z-band. It worked! She's... She's almost human!"

"I... I... Don't believe it! I can't believe it! I've got to see this for myself!"


Officer Sus (Oops I meant to say Officer Gus) arrived ten minutes later.

"I don't believe it! You're a genius, Wells! When we give these to the zombies...Things will change - for the better!"  Gus said, his eyes wide in bewilderment.

"And my daughter will get her little boyfriend back!" He joked.

"Yes, she sure will!" Gus laughed back.
The two men stood there laughing and joking about how life would be when zombies had a Z-band.

Suddenly a small, feminine voice piped up over the two men.
"Ru... Ru... Mean Zedika?" It paused and then said "Do... do...
do you mean Zed?"

The two men couldn't believe what they had just heard. The zombie cub... Had spoken! In English! They looked at Eliza, then at each other, then back at Eliza.

"I'm not dumb you know!" She said. "I pick up on languages quickly! Just in... That state... I'm not fit to speak them!" Eliza said before starting to talk something about vocal cords being different in feral zombies.

The two men weren't listening though. They just stared at her in amazement. Finally, Gus broke the silence.
"Put these into production now! Every zombie needs one!" He gave Dale a look. "And that means every zombie!"

Just then they heard a bang from outside.

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